Finally! B5 Bible/Treatment Available!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Nov 14 04:34:57 EST 1999

From: rpavelle at (RPavelle)
Date: 13 Nov 1999 15:37:46 -0700
Lines: 7

I've been meaning to ask this since I got the Crusade Bible...Does the writers
bible change year to year?  I would think it would, if only to take into
account everything that is revealed in past seasons and to point out which
directions you want the show to go, but this is just guesswork.

Roger Pavelle

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 13 Nov 1999 18:47:17 -0700
Lines: 19

>I've been meaning to ask this since I got the Crusade Bible...Does the
>bible change year to year?  I would think it would, if only to take into
>account everything that is revealed in past seasons and to point out which
>directions you want the show to go, but this is just guesswork.

I think we did a supplementary thing to the bible for year two, but that was
it, and my memory could be off about that.


(jmsatb5 at
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