Attn JMS: I agree w/you re: original notes.

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Nov 28 05:03:36 EST 1999

From: ck at
Date: 28 Nov 1999 00:42:48 -0700
Lines: 33

I have been wishing for the release of the original storyline pretty
much ever since I heard of it. Call me one of the original "Raiders of the
Lost Arc". 

However, having just finished the original series pitch and the Season 1
Bible, I can see why you wouldn't want to release the original notes. For
all its flaws, I think I prefer the finished product better. The
character, storylines and themes you settled on over the course of the
series, by and large, came across much better in the episodes than on
paper. Even if you posted JPGs of the 3x5 cards on the net, I think the
effect of "oh! that's how it was originally conceived" would last us maybe
an hour or so. *shrug*

Those who like the series as is, are content.

Those who don't like the series as is, will insist that their vision would
always have been the "best" one, and nothing will dissuade them of that.

Those who feel the series had unanswered questions are the kind of person
who would always be asking questions; there's no way to satisfy them,
beyond smiling appreciatively and walking away.

So to my mind, the B5 universe is closed fer business. It's as you wanted:
a good story, nothing more or less, to be re-read from time to time when
the real world isn't too appealing, up on the shelf with all the other

Thanks for everything, from pilot episode to release of original scripts
and bibles. Thanks for a good time. Ciao.

- Chris

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 28 Nov 1999 01:08:50 -0700
Lines: 19

>So to my mind, the B5 universe is closed fer business. It's as you wanted:
>a good story, nothing more or less, to be re-read from time to time when
>the real world isn't too appealing, up on the shelf with all the other

>Thanks for everything, from pilot episode to release of original scripts
>and bibles. Thanks for a good time. Ciao.

You're welcome.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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