JMS: A question on one of your quotes

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Oct 3 04:31:13 EDT 1999

From: Derek Beebe <derekjb at>
Date: 2 Oct 1999 21:04:20 -0600
Lines: 13

> Jms at B5 wrote:
>> Jeanne Cavelos' work on the shadow arc made her correct for the
>> technomage books.

When/how did Cavelos work on 'The Shadow Arc'?  I take it this means the
Shadow War (Seasons Three and Four), but as I understand it Cavelos was
only brought on in Season Five as a story editor (as well as editing the
B5 numbered novels and writing 7 herself), then she went on to Crusade.

wait, do you refer to her writing "The Shadow Within" (B5 Book 7)?

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Oct 1999 22:12:16 -0600
Lines: 21

>When/how did Cavelos work on 'The Shadow Arc'?  I take it this means the
>Shadow War (Seasons Three and Four), but as I understand it Cavelos was
>only brought on in Season Five as a story editor (as well as editing the
>B5 numbered novels and writing 7 herself), then she went on to Crusade.
>wait, do you refer to her writing "The Shadow Within" (B5 Book 7)?
Where did you get THAT information?  She was never a story editor on the
series, she was the editor for the Dell books far earlier than S5.  And the one
she wrote (noted above) dealt with Z'ha'dum and shadow technology and other
advanced tech stuff, and so that made her right for the technomages.


(jmsatb5 at
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