B5 Jackets at thestation.com

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Oct 6 04:44:14 EDT 1999

From: Dan Wallach <dwallach at cs.rice.edu>
Date: 5 Oct 1999 23:32:22 -0600
Lines: 26

JMS writes:

> Also: we stopped taking orders for The Gathering script, which is now
> out of print until some point in the distant future.  We're doing one
> per month, so for those who missed out...it's too late.  This month
> it's the script for the first B5 episode, "Midnight on the Firing
> Line."  Orders will be taken for this month, and that's it.

While I'm very interested in reading the scripts, I'm not particularly excited
to have five seasons * 22 episodes of scripts weighing down a bookshelf.  I
would like to encourage JMS and the fan club to offer a CD-ROM (or two) with
all the scripts available in some convenient format (e.g., PDF or HTML).  I
imagine the production and shipping costs would be dramatically lower than for
paper, allowing a wider audience to read and enjoy the "Unabridged B5".

An interesting side possibility would be including the Lurker's Guide on the
same CD-ROM, giving it a degree of archival permanence (and citability) lacking
from normal Web sites.

(In ten years, you'll likely be able to include all five seasons of B5 plus
Crusade on a single super-DVD disc, but I'd rather not wait that long...)

Dan Wallach
Rice University

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 6 Oct 1999 00:04:16 -0600
Lines: 23

>While I'm very interested in reading the scripts, I'm not particularly
>to have five seasons * 22 episodes of scripts weighing down a bookshelf.  I
>would like to encourage JMS and the fan club to offer a CD-ROM (or two) with
>all the scripts available in some convenient format (e.g., PDF or HTML). 

Only problem with that is that it makes it very easy to print up and sell
copies, or to send them out on the internet.

BTW...I'm an idiot.  I meant to say Crusade jackets in my prior message, not
the B5 jackets.  (And I'm told they'll keep taking Gathering orders until the
8th because the system was down for a bit.)


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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