JMS at Nasfic *spoilers*

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Sep 13 04:25:15 EDT 1999

From: Kailin <kailin at>
Date: 10 Sep 1999 21:14:36 -0600
Lines: 699

Spoiler space for JMS's appearance at Nasfic this weekend.

> Unfortunately, I missed Saturdays panel with JMS and the appearance
> the cast of Crusade, but a friend of mine was there and sent me this
> long review of the whole day. Hope you all like it, it's very detailed.
> Peter states <snip>
>      Let me begin by stating that the panel
> > was 11/2 hour long and I tried to write down everything that
transpired but
> > obviously I did not record every aspect.  Secondly, if you have seen
JMS in
> > a panel then you will be aware of his sense of humor, sarcastic and
> > sometimes raunchy.  I am not embellishing or censoring any of his
> > Next, this email is going to be <U>very, very long</U>.  Please
forgive me
> > for any typos or grammatical errors.  What I will be describing is
from the
> > beginning of the panel to the end.  There may be some spoilers since
I am
> > unaware of what each of you know.  Forward this to any B5 fan who
> > find this interesting or informative.  Here we go...<BR>
> > <BR>
> >      JMS enters the room to a roar of applause.  He begins his panel
with a
> > clip actually it is a B5 music video.  It basically highlights every
> > of the show including the B5 movies with every major B5 character. 
> > the video he tells the audience, "It's been a wonderful 5 years
working on
> > the show."  He was not sure when he began that there would be an
> > base that would enjoy and appreciate his work.  He then goes on to
say it
> > was fun working on the 5 years of B5 and the 13 eps. of Crusades.  He
> > goes on to say he is in a good mood and enjoying himself, today. 
> > audio difficulties on my side of the room prevents me from hearing
his next
> > few words but there was some laughter on the other side that heard
what he
> > said.  He then said he was happy to "find an audience as perverse as
> > are."  He then tells a joke about how the TNT headmen must of been on
> > type of, "Prison to Work Program," considering their recent decisions
> > influence they tried to exert on the show.<BR>
> > He then stated, "Would rather do 13 eps. of Crusades he wrote and did
> > himself than 110 eps he did not write or was involved in."  Room
> > with applause to show their approval.  He then joked about a new
movie, "
> > Women who go crazy every 28 days.  The Blair Bitch Project."  Audio
> > difficulties again.  Catch a few words how actually that describes
how it
> > felt working with TNT at times, not sure if it was a reference to the
> > joke.  Someone in the back of the room announces that Harlan Ellison
> > just arrived and is on his way to the room.  Applause to the
> > and JMS makes some jokes to that statement.  He states in a friendly,
> > manner that we should probably, "Lock the room."  Anyway, he then
states he
> > could talk the entire time but would rather have some audience
> > participation.  Before the Q&A Forum, he reminds the audience to ask
> > questions that will not bore the room or himself.  A few chuckles
from the
> > room.  Needless to say there were some really dumb questions I did
> > bother to write down and inane comments from others in the room.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q&A<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q. "Were there going to be any B5 characters on the new series,
> > prior to its demise?"<BR>
> > A.  There were indeed plans for B5 characters on the new series.  In
> > the last ep, number 13, has Dr. Franklin in it.  For obvious reasons
> > will be NO B5 characters on the series.  JMS points out that Stephen
> > has directed some of the Crusades eps that have already aired and
that he
> > did direct some of the B5 eps.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Will he tell some of the original intent or plots of the B5 show
> > some of it was altered."<BR>
> > A.  NO!  He is happy the way it is, the plot did not dramatically
> > from his original vision.  He then goes on to say that it would be
> > asking a magician to reveal his secrets after an illusion. "Would you
> > to know that?"  Several people nod their heads while others say "Yes"
> > would ask a magician.  JMS then just shakes his head and restates
that he
> > knew that this audience was, "A sick and perverted group."<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Will there be a movie with Garibaldi getting even with
> > A.  Tells that the 3rd book in the Psi-Corps triology Bester getting
> > just rewards.  He then goes on to state what are Bester's "Just
> > He makes a statement how the action is sorta like the hunt for Dr.
> > We get to know a little bit more of the person.  *Sorry, I got
> > for a few seconds so I am not sure if the description that JMS tells
> > next few statements were things in the book, itself, or how he
envisioned a
> > scene he would like to see in a movie.*   It's a rainy, foggy, grey
> > cemetary scene.  You slowly see a black outline of a gloved hand.  It
> > scanning the cemetary.  No one is there.  You later realize it the
> > for Alfred Bester.  Then a man appears in the distance slowly walking
> > the grave.  It is Michael Garibaldi.  He is the <B>only</B> person
> > shows up for Mr. Bester's funeral.  The person is watching Garibaldi.
> > sees Garibaldi walking over to Bester's grave.  He slowly kneels down
> > front of it, almost in homage and places an object on the grave.  He
> > slowly walks away.  The person who is watching this scene transpire
> > curious as to what Garibaldi had placed on the grave.  So, he walks
over to
> > see.  He reaches the grave and notices a stake in the ground.(The
> > explodes in laughter).<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Release date for DVDs for B5?" (Not sure if he said B5 eps or B5
> > movies)<BR>
> > A.  Next year, although the UK will get them first before the US.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Will B5 be given to another network?"<BR>
> > A.  NO.  TNT has the rights to it for the next 2 years.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "After 2 years, can Crusades be picked up by another network like
> > Sci-fi?"<BR>
> > A.  No.  Probably Not.  <BR>
> > <BR>
> >      Then JMS tells what he has been up to.  He just did a TV,
> > murder-mystery movie called, "To Die For."  Working on his comic
> > <I>Rising Star.  </I>He goes on to say that these comics are going to
> > different than anything you have seen before.  It will tell how the
> > superheroes due to society's pressure and such still have foibles. 
> > basically turns the genre on its head.  He then goes on to tell the
> > of one of his superheroes.  The person's ability is invunerability. 
> > sorta has a power shield around him that sorta glows that protects
him.  He
> > cannot feel pain or sensation; however, that causes problems.  He
also can
> > not feel emotions such as happiness or love.  The only way our
> > can feel any type of sensation is through his mouth.  So, he eats
> > constantly since that his only way of feeling anything.  Thus our
> > is a big, fat man and society only sees a fat slob and does not
realize he
> > is also a superhero who has a power of invulnerability.  He then goes
on to
> > tell the story of a black boy whose power is to fly.  However,
society with
> > its racist attitude towards minorities and the boy picks up these
> > which causes him to have low self-esteem.  Consequently, he always
> > low thus he can only fly about 3 feet high.(JMS is pointing around
> > waist to demonstrate heighth).  JMS goes on to state that there about
> > superheroes like the 2 he previously mentioned that he describes in
> > comics.  *NEW SERIES.  JMS is in negotiations for a brand new series.
> > cannot tell with whom or what it is about for reasons.  He does state
> > he can possibly tell us at LosCon*  There is a reason to attend that
> > hopefully will see some of you there for that information.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "How is your Theraman?"<BR>
> > A.  JMS wonders has the questioner been stalking him.  He then goes
on to
> > explain that the Theraman are those new electronic, musical
instrument that
> > have like light strings so that when your hand touches it it produces
> > musical sound depending where you hand is and which strings you are
> > blocking.  He goes on to say, "Can't play it for Shit, but it does
> > the cats."  He then jokes about how strange it sounds when he tries
to play
> > and that the neighbors must be wondering what strange things must be
> > on at his home.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Who was your 1st Mentor?"<BR>
> > A.  He then pays a tribute to Harlan by stating that he grew up
reading his
> > books and he sorta was one of his mentors.  However, it would have to
> > Rod Serling.  He then goes on to tell story how back at Chula Vista
> > career day he met Rod.  He was at his table with some of his early
> > for display, since he was in honors writing.  A man came up to his
> > and picked up one of his stories.  He walked away and read it came
back put
> > it down and picked up another story to read.  JMS then goes on to
tell how
> > these stories were very dark and very twisted for their time.  Then
> > mysterious man comes back and says to JMS that he has potential in
> > but he would like to leave him with two words of advice.<BR>
> >    1.  Cut every 3rd Adjective.(JMS jokingly states still having
> > with that)<BR>
> >    2.  Never let them stop you from telling the story you want to
> > After the mysterious man left, the dean came by running to JMS' table
> > ask what did the mysterious man say to him.  Later, he was told it
was Rod
> > Serling and he arrived an hour early unannounced to the school. JMS
> > "Oh, Shit!"  Tried to find Rod but never saw him again that day. 
> > when he worked on the New Twilight Zone, one of the head people asked
> > if he would want to collaborate with Rod Serling on an ep called,
> > is Dying."  He read an outline of the script that stated, "room wall
> > varnished with darkness."   He later goes on to state it was because
> > these experience that he stood up to TNT.  He would stand up for his
> > work.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Can you tell us how you decided to hire Mira Furlan?"<BR>
> > A.  Back in '91 when Croatia broke away from Serbia, Mira made both
> > unhappy.  She was an actress and would go to both sides to do her
> > work to share with the people regardless of nationality. 
Consequently, she
> > had death threats and was forced to leave the former Yugoslavia.  He
> > told this story and was informed that if he hired her, that would
> > several people and 2 countries very upset.  His immediate response
when he
> > was told that, "Hire her!"  The more people he could piss off the
> > He later discovered that boot-legged copies of B5 was being brought
to both
> > countries regardless of the threats to people who watched Mira and
that he
> > was happy and it simply proved that Mira is an excellent actress who
> > still admired.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Will you license Crusade novels?"<BR>
> > A.  Don't know yet.  *He does go on to say he is in the making or
> > making new triology novels like the Psi-Corps Triology.<BR>
> >     * Centauri-Prime War Triology <BR>
> >     * Technomage Triology:  We discover the real reasons the
> > left when Shadows returned.  He hinted.  Who else do we know in the
> > universe who have organic technology, are hiding from others and are
> > secretive, and who dress in dark colors.  * Hint could it possibly be
> > Shadows? <B>;~)<BR>
> > <BR>
> > </B>Q.  "Advice for young aspiring writers?"<BR>
> > A.  Follow your ambitions and dreams.  Take advantage of all.  Learn
> > you can in school and college.  Make mistakes.  That is the only way
> > will learn what you are good at and what your truly like.  It will
lead you
> > to your passions.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > JMS notices that some of the Crusades actors have just entered the
room and
> > tells them to come up to the stage.  As they are walking up, he
states that
> > how TNT told him, "Best ensemble cast they ever saw for a series." 
He also
> > jokingly states that some of them must still be selling stuff, but it
> > good stuff and that we should try to buy some.  Daniel Dae Kim,
> > Dobro, and Marjean Holden finally go up on the stage.  Carrie is the
> > one to speak and states, "I do anything he tells me."(reference to
> > JMS responds, "Not today, not in public."  After some light banter
> > jokes Carrie states, "Best TV experience for anything she's ever
> > Best writing, best actors, best directors, best crew, etc."  She
> > most of it due to the fact that most of the crew had previouly worked
on B5
> > and that they were very professional and friendly like one big happy
> > family.  Carrie goes on to tell story of how JMS took the actors out
> > dinner at an Indian restaurant the night before the very first
shooting of
> > the series, Crusades.  It was there JMS informs the audience that
> > Allen Brooks informed him that he figured out who was what in the
> > The doctor, was the heart, Dureena was the hands, Lt. Matheson was
> > conscience, Galen was the head, and JMS was the power.  Room just
> > laughing.  Anyway, Marjean is given the microphone and asks if there
> > any specific questions?  Peter Woodward walking down center aisle
> > out, "I do."  Room applauds at his arrival.  Peter hugs Carrie and
> > looks for a chair can not find one and decides to sit on Carrie's
lap.  JMS
> > retorts, "Don't worry(Carrie), <B>it's</B> small."  Laughter.  He
> > adds, "I mean the table."  Everyone on the panel just laughs for a
> > seconds.  Peter Woodward then begins to speak and tells about current
> > attempt for counting stars.  How experts figure there are 100 million
> > galaxies, 2 billion stars, and X amount of planets with possible
> > intelligent life forms.  Possibly with Cable, he jokes.  He later
makes a
> > reference to how advanced alien life forms could be watching Crusades
> > the future and see what bright, intelligent people we are.  He goes
on to
> > make other comments.  Microphone is passed to Daniel Dae Kim who has
> > words and just states that he is glad to be here and to meet all the
> > By the way, all the stars have stated they are happy to have the
support of
> > fans throughout the country and indeed the world and that they were
glad to
> > see people enjoyed their work.  <BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Do you miss being togther since the demise of the show?"<BR>
> > A.  YES, respond all the actors.  It was great being together and
> > with one another.  They enjoyed each others company and then David
> > Brooks enters the room and joins the other cast members. <BR>
> > <BR>
> >    While David is getting on the stage, Peter Woodward remarks, "That
> > actually enjoy his company more than anything else."   David Brooks
> > retorts, "Grandiosity is part of Technomage's nature, you have to
> > this sort of thing from them."  There are several moments of light
> > and jokes and horse-playing.  Carrie begins rubbing Peter's head and
> > states, "We take turns buffing?"  JMS quick to respond, " Is that
what they
> > call it now?  Buff Job?"  Huge  laughter from room.  Peter makes
> > reference to JMS of how that's there special private word they use no
> > to be jealous.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Peter how was it working with your father?"<BR>
> > A.  It was fun and he enjoyed it.  JMS responds how he purposely
wrote it
> > for Edward and Peter since he had seen Ed's work in other things and
> > thought it would be interesting.  Edward made a comment to JMS that
he had
> > fewer lines in King Lear to learn than this ep.  After a few more
> > comments the Crusades actors leave, thanking once again the support
> > the fans and how happy they are meeting everyone and for enjoying
> > work.<BR>
> > <BR>
> >      *JMS then shows clips from the last ep of Crusades which is to
> > Sept. 1.  It begins on the Excalibur bridge which is in hyperspace.
> > Matheson reports a distress signal, inquires if they should help out.
> > senator of EA happens to be on board and reminds Gideon that they are
on a
> > mission and that was his priority above anything else.  He could NOT
> > to help.  After a verbal confrontation between Gideon and the
> > which includes the phrase, "Following the Chain of Command,"  Gideon
> > to investigate and orders the Excalibur to jumpout of hyperspace and
> > that person.  He was not going to stop but simply slow down to assist
> > possible.  We discover the distress signal is coming from a damaged
> > furry with Capt. Lochly inside of it injured.  Lt. Matheson warns
> > that even slowing down the Excalibur and attempt to scoop up that
> > furry would be very risky.  The senator is worried about Gideon's
> > and states maybe he should stop after the ship is being picked up in
> > launch bay and being slowed down by the Excalibur's aritifically
> > gravity.  Gideon then tells the Senator how he was once out alone in
> > hoping that he would be rescued and praying someone would help him. 
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Gideon's Box, Can you explain it?"<BR>
> > A.  YES.  Then after the person rephrases his question JMS tells us
> > the box.  It is extremely old, as old or older than the Shadows.  He
> > states that in on of the eps entitled, "End of the Line," we would've
> > the real reason why Gideon is on the mission but since its
cancellation the
> > point is mute.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "How do you keep things fresh for a writer?"<BR>
> > A.  Explore new stuff and turn things on its head.  There are as many
> > stories as people.  He then tells how he thought it would be
interesting to
> > create a story about a psi-cop who visits B5 and who feels he is
doing his
> > duty and the right thing.  Simple things like this creates new
> > and intrigue and at the same time helps in the overall quality of
> > story.<BR>
> > <BR>
> >      JMS then begins to tell his experience working with TNT, again. 
> > time he mentions that in fact there were 2 different TNTs.  The one
> > in Atlanta and the one in LA.  The one in LA understood the business
> > and allowed him almost free run of the show.  It was the head people
> > Atlanta who felt it necessary to get involved in the show, Crusades. 
> > was then he states that the process was going downhill.  The Atlanta
> > division wanted very stupid things added to the show.  Things like
> > fights on the bridge of the Excalibur.  They wanted to change the
makeup of
> > Dureena since it made her look "too alien."  They inquired couldn't
> > simply give her a more human looking face and have "her thoughts be
> > in nature?"  One of the most outrageous request was to change the way
> > Dureena and Gideon entrap the Psi-Corp rep.  The Atlanta division
> > Gideon to sorta use Dureena in a sexual manner to entice the corp rep
> > then have that scene in that bullet car with the psi-corps rep. with
> > pants down to his legs approaching Dureena.  They thought that would
be a
> > more suitable scene for blackmailing the psi-corps rep.  Room groans
> > gasps in shock to these statements.  JMS later tells that that was
just one
> > of 20 pages of rewrites that Atlanta wanted to do to the show.  He
> > his ground and would not change one iota.  He could see the Atlanta
> > division looking very worried and wondering what could they do to
> > him.  Anyway, JMS later tells us that in some eps he uses some of the
> > dialogue with these headmen of Atlanta to tell how they wanted to
alter the
> > show.  How they wanted the set to look more cheery and open.  How
> > wanted to alter their clothing and so on.  That was his way to show
> > disdain of their approach to the show without getting into too much
> > trouble.  He goes on to state that he thinks TNT wanted to dumb down
> > show.  Making it more suitable for the wrestling crowd.  In fact,
> > aspects of wrestling for the show, their costumes and such.  He later
> > jokes, "Sherman had the right idea when he marched to Atlanta."  Not
> > if he later stated that Sherman didn't do a good enough job or if
> > in the room said it, too much chattering going on for a few moments
in the
> > room.<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Q.  "Was there any interference with any of the B5 movies?"<BR>
> > A.  No, since the movies were under the auspices of the LA division
he had
> > free creative control.  It was only dealing with the Atlanta division
> > had to listen to their changes.<BR>
> > <BR>
> >      *JMS is NOT PLANNING to do more on B5 UNIVERSE!*  He had 5
> > years doing it plus the 13 eps of Crusades.  Most people do not get
> > opportunity in this business to do such a thing.  He wants to do more
> > his life and he plans to do better new things again saying he could
> > possibly tell later at Loscon.  <BR>
> > <BR>
> >      Then he shows a special video.  Video begins with the 20th
Century Fox
> > movie intro music but with a twist.  It says Z-Productions with TNT
in the
> > lower right hand corner.  As the intro music is about to end, a star
> > blows up the TNT sign. Room laughs and applauds in approval to see
TNT sign
> > blowup. Then it begins with a spoof of STAR WARS.  The beginning
intro how
> > it scrolls up the screen telling how long ago in a galaxy far away,
> > was one last place of hope for the galaxy, in essence B5.  Then after
> > scrolling of words on the screen B5 appears to applause of room. 
Then the
> > famous B5 questions are heard, "Who are you?"  Followed by video
clips of
> > all major B5 characters followed by "What do you want?"  Followed
again by
> > more vidoe clips of B5 scenes and characters.  Then the entire video
> > changes.  The remaining video is set to the music from Star Wars:The
> > Phantom Menance, <I>Duel of Fates, </I>while at the same time you see
> > of B5 eps, characters, words, etc.  Audience just watches in
amazement to
> > how the video splices the music from <I>Duel of</I> <I>Fates </I>with
> > from B5 eps.  Video lasts about 5 to 6 minutes.  Afterwards, the room
> > applauds appreciatively.  JMS later tells room that the video came by
> > from a fan and that if there are any representatives from Lucas Ltd.,
he is
> > not responisble. Room just laughs at that statement.  Wondering how
> > found where JMS lives to send it via snail mail.<BR>
> > <BR>
> >      JMS then tells story how at a certain con that some crazy drunk
> > pulled down the fire alarm late at night.  Entire hotel had to empty
> > and that he was out there with the hotel guests and about 400-500
> > convention goers.  Then JMS had a thought how surreal it would be to
> > a chant.  So, then JMS begins with a chant with some friends who
happen to
> > be at same con.  What do you want?  We don't know.  When Do you want
> > Whenever.  After a few minutes the entire group of convention goers
> > chanting these words.  Then the police arrive to find all these
sci-fi fans
> > standing outside the hotel chanting.  The first police person then
> > "What are you doing?"  The crowd replied, "We don't know?"  Room
> > Another police person then asked, "Where are you going?"  Crowd
> > "Whereever."  This goes on for a few more seconds and JMS just found
> > entire incident amusing and thought what must those poor police
> > must be thinking of this entire scene.  Anyway, after that story JMS
> > ends and room just applauds for the opportunity to hear JMS and to
> > their appreciation of the man who created the series, Babylon 5 and
> > 5:Crusades.  <BR>
> > <BR>
> >      One quick note about the actors of Crusades.  Later that night
at the
> > Agamemcon party I spoke to Alec.  He later did inform my friend,
> > unofficially, that indeed most of the Crusades actors who were there
> > behalf on Agamemcon, were going to signup for next year's Agamemcon. 
> > paper work was going to be sent to them in January but the actors
were just
> > surprised at the amount of fan support at this con.  I do know that 2
> > actors who were at Agamemcon III from Crusades have stated they were
> > at the con and looked forward to return for Aggie IV.  Anyway,
another side
> > note to add, before the actors arrived on Saturday morning, there was
> > already a line of fans about 100-200 at 9AM.  Alec was just shocked
> > suprised and told these people that they really should see some of
> > other con since the actors were not here yet and they were going to
be here
> > until the late afternoon.  He later joked to me and others at the
> > that these people should really get a life.(Please do not get the
> > impression of Alec by this statement it was said as a joke since the
> > did not officially begin that day until 10 and people were just
> > around to be first to see the stars although they were there until 5
> > that same day)  Anyway, if you have a chance check out the aggie
> > WWW.AGAMEMCON.ORG  </B>You will see what great B5 stars from both
> > have attended this fan friendly con. If you hurry and signup you can
> > the con at a lower price.  Anyway, that is all I have to say.  Hope I
> > you enough interesting and amusing info from the JMS panel.  Will
talk to
> > you all later.  <BR>
> > <BR>
> >                                           Best Wishes,<BR>
> >                                                       PETER
> <snip>

Peace, Love and Rock & Roll,


"When hell freezes over, we can all play hockey there."

	-AgamemCon IV: A Science Fiction Convention-
     	   -----check out our web site at:-----
Galen in Crusade "If I'm going to die, I'd rather do so in a room with a
           ~~~~~Save Crusade by writing a simple letter, here's how~~~~~

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Sep 1999 18:32:08 -0600
Lines: 23

>He then joked about a newmovie, "> > Women who go crazy every 28 days.  The
>Blair Bitch Project." 

Actually, it was about some women who, tied to the cycles of the moon, go nuts
every 28 days, called "The Were Bitch Project."  Otherwise the pun doesn't

I also apologized in advance for that, because of all the words I use -- and I
use 'em all, I think every word in the King's english is fine by me -- that's
the only one that I tend not to use and have never used before in a
presentation, but as I said, I needed it to make the pun work.

Other than that, when it comes to language...well, fuck it.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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