Attn: JMS, Re: No Hugo for *SiL*

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Sep 13 04:40:17 EDT 1999

From: vonbruno at (Von Bruno)
Date: 11 Sep 1999 17:39:11 -0600
Lines: 40

<<Not at all (and I still don't consider it a franchise; how can it be a
franchise if it's not continuing?).>> jmsatb5 at

It is still being merchandised isn't it? It is, for now anyway, being used as a
basis for books and what not .. unless you are officially saying that the B5
universe is dead, buried, and otherwise totally defunct?

<<What I was told by those involved is that SiL did not air in Australia during
or before the voting period; it did not, in fact, finally air until after the
WorldCon itself was over by three days.>>

Someone e-mailed me the other day mentioning this fact, and it again leads me
to the conclusion that their entire balloting process needs to be revamped as
it, in my opinion, totally undermines and erodes the significance of the Hugo
award itself.

How something can get nominated for award consideration when the folks who are
going to make that determination aren't provided the opportunity to even see
the thing their judging. It is absolutely moronic.

Also, from what I understand, you have arranged for episode screenings at
conventions in the past ... was there any reason why no screening of *SiL* was
setup for the convention prior to voting?

<<I note that the question is phrased in your usual negative fashion, ...>>

I would say it was a hard question but not a necessarily negative one.

<<I heard from many folks who said that S5 was their favorite season ...>>

That is their opinion and that is fine, however, the fact is that, honestly
speaking, season five IS generally hailed as the weakest and least satisfying
of the shows run.

In my opinion, if Babylon-5 had ended after season four I would have given it
an overall grade of "B+," however, factoring in season five drops it down to a
rather generous "C."

-Von Bruno-

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Sep 1999 18:34:32 -0600
Lines: 53

My prior message was cut off before I finished...wonky computer today....

To finish:

>That is their opinion and that is fine, however, the fact is that, honestly
>speaking, season five IS generally hailed as the weakest and least satisfying
>of the shows run.

To repeat...if someone else says they like it, then that's their opinion, but
when you say something, it's the facts, right?  That's what you're saying here.

Please give me the facts and figures to back this up, because it ain't what I
hear at conventions, and it ain't reflected in the only -- ONLY -- objective
form of reportage on B5's history: the P5 poll.  

In the P5 poll, in which 2,403 people voted on episodes over the 5 year history
of B5, the rankings are as follows, by season:

PILOT: 6.32
S1: 7.52
S2: 8.11
S3: 8.38
S4: 8.58
S5: 8.35

With a standard deviation of .61, which means that the S5 rating could be as
high as 9.  The .23 difference between S4 and S5 is statistically insignificant
on every conceivable level, and even without that, the pilot, S1 and S2 ALL
rated below S5 in the poll and it's essentially identical to S3.

I've shown my homework, now you show yours.  Some people take it as read,
because THEY didn't like it, that everybody else feels the same way (and I've
heard from a LOT of people who very much liked S5 but just got tired of being
shouted down by a few fanatics and stopped posting).  Again, the facts do NOT
bear out your -- and I emphasize this word -- OPINION.  Sorry, but you do not
have the key to unvarnished truth, only to your opinion, which is flatly and
provably WRONG.

So the facts definitely contradict you, as they tend to so often in your posts,
from your claim through a "friend" that Harlan drinks, to this, to not knowing
or understanding how the Hugo system works before criticizing's a
definite pattern on your part.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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