Attn JMS: First Run Of US-Based Shows In Non-USA Markets

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Sep 16 04:26:13 EDT 1999

From: "Alyson L. Abramowitz" <aly at>
Date: 15 Sep 1999 22:42:10 -0600
Lines: 22

This actually was brought up, in general, on the unmoderated list. I
suspect this list might have folks who actually know enough about the
industry to explain the process.

When a US-created show is sold to a non-USA network (assuming a show not
in syndication) in first run play, what is actually being sold?  Is it a
certain number of episodes for a certain period of exclusivity? Some
other metric? If so, what? What happens if the show is canceled before
the intended number of episodes have been completed? Is there a standard
"foreign" contract or are all the variations unique per country/station
(ignoring the cost which surely must vary from country to country). Is
there any variation when something comes in the other direction (non-USA
into a USA network)?

I'm also curious about the play times.  How are these controlled? From
the distributor or the buying network or some combination? 

Thanks for the enlightenment.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Sep 1999 00:15:58 -0600
Lines: 12

The situation varies from market to market, but generally a non-US market buys
the rights for a given period of time.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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