Babylon 5 in retrospect

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Sep 19 04:31:10 EDT 1999

From: "DJ" <MEWS at NBNET.NB.CA>
Date: 18 Sep 1999 14:31:50 -0600
Lines: 40

I know that I loved Crusade, the part we were shown anyway, and I would have
loved it to continue. I'm sure there's not a person that reads this
newsgroup that thinks differently (you wouldn't be here otherwise.... unless
your a TNT exec trying to figure out , in a vain attempt of eyebrow
furrowing and brain scratching, the "market"). I make no attempt to sound
that I am speaking for JMS (you would all know better, and it's just not
me), but I must ask - hasn't anyone else seen that he's just had enough?

I read his messages, and they're all filled with contempt for TNT,
bitterness at the people who maliciously took away  _his_ Crusade, and lack
of interest for it all. I don't think I blame him for wanting the chance to
move on, forget about it, see what the next project has in store. The
Babylon5 Universe was his child, and he refused to treat it in a harmful
way. He protected it against all odds, against  all execs, against
bastardization. After all that has happened to Crusade, I'd want it to rest
too. I wouldn't want it to go from one fruitless effort to another, having
to put changes in so other channels could have their on "spin", or "angle",
on how the show should look.  Almost invariably this has happened to TV
shows switching networks. He shouldn't be expected to do this just for us.
Not for what we're asking.

When he's discussed other projects he's now working on, he has nothing but
happiness and enthusiasm in his posts. He's a totally different person. He's
being creative , not beauracratic, again.

If anything, I take out of this a memory from Season 5. G'Kar is returning
to B5 to a mass of Narns, all wanting him to return home, to be a god. He
says no, they don't listen. I think we should now listen to JMS. He's happy
right now, and we should let him be. Let's stay and watch, let further tales

Maybe JMS will reply,  tell me I'm a fool, and that I've completely misread
him. Maybe that will please just a bit more than thinking I'm right, because
as it stands right now..... the B5 Universe is dormant, its future unknown.
And that's the way it should be.

David F.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 19 Sep 1999 01:19:19 -0600
Lines: 15

>Maybe JMS will reply,  tell me I'm a fool, and that I've completely misread
>him.'re a cutie pie.


(jmsatb5 at
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