JMS: How does Del Rey do it?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Sep 27 04:21:07 EDT 1999

From: in_valens_name at
Date: 26 Sep 1999 18:17:15 -0600
Lines: 17

I've enjoyed the first 2 books of the Psi-Corps trilogy, and am looking
forward to the conclution due mid-October, and am curious about the
next trilogies.

Because of this, I'm curious what the process is in making a Babylon 5
novel from Del Rey?  Why Trilogies?  How are authors chosen?  How did
the decision to spotlight the series' history and background, instead
of the lead characters and the station, come about?  Will there be any
single novels?  Is Warners & Del Rey willing and/or interested in
adding Crusade characters and concepts into the B5 books?

scott tilson.

Sent via
Before you buy.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 Sep 1999 23:23:22 -0600
Lines: 40

>Because of this, I'm curious what the process is in making a Babylon 5
>novel from Del Rey?  Why Trilogies? 

In Minbari, all things are three.

> How are authors chosen?  

By mutual consent; they'll suggest someone, and we'll talk about it.  Keyes'
work I somewhat knew, and he seemed right...and Peter David *is* a Centauri. 
Jeanne Cavelos' work on the shadow arc made her correct for the technomage

>How did
>the decision to spotlight the series' history and background, instead
>of the lead characters and the station, come about?  

It's that perverse "let's do the opposite of what the marketing people think"
thing I get into sometimes; there's so much history in the B5 universe, and I'd
worked so much of it out, it seemed a shame to waste it.

Will there be any
>single novels?  


Is Warners & Del Rey willing and/or interested in
>adding Crusade characters and concepts into the B5 books?
There will be some...Galen is all through both the technomage books and a bit
in the Centauri books.


(jmsatb5 at
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