ATTN JMS: Top Cow/"Witchblade" Pilot & TNT Dealings...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Apr 13 04:25:22 EDT 2000

From: EmperorLetoII at
Date: 12 Apr 2000 15:22:42 -0600
Lines: 35

Since you have been involved with Top Cow now for a little while, I was 
wondering about something that is very interesting and dovetails extensively 
with your own experiences:

You might have heard about the TNT "Witchblade" pilot movie currently being 
shot in Toronto (starring Yancy Butler, if memory serves, in the title role), 
after having been in development for about three or three-and-a-half years, 
approximately (I remember reading in "Wizard" articles covering its progress 
toward greenlight for production).

Now, since "Crusade" is no longer TNT's prime dramatic series to be aired, I 
read that the plans are afoot to take "Witchblade" to series if the premiere 
is successful (the movie adapts issues #1-7 or so of the comic series, I 
think); undoubtedly, the folks at Top Cow would, of course, probably prefer 
to maintain as much adherence to quality control as is possible, but, 
obviously, we all have such fond memories of TNT's screwing-over of 
"Crusade," and I was wondering...Have you, perchance, held any 
(impromptu/unofficial or otherwise) conversations with the people at the 
comics company concerning, ummm, some potential "directives"...and 
"massaging"...that the nimnuls over at TNT Corporate are very likely to 
incorporate if they view this as a franchise property?

I'd certainly hate to see this take the same relative course run by 
"Crusade," particularly since you are now working with another company 
striving to launch a property with this particular corporation, and, albeit 
there is the liklihood that any pull that Top Cow has may be relatively minor 
once full production is in gear, it might seem good and prudent to fly a 
warning flag high so that they might be on their collective guards.

And, on a similar note, it is GREAT that "Babylon 5" is being wrested away 
from those jerkweeds and onto "Sci-Fi," where it should *prosper* in a 
nightly, consistent time-slot...

                                                            -Leto II 

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Apr 2000 15:37:01 -0600
Lines: 21

>.Have you, perchance, held any 
>(impromptu/unofficial or otherwise) conversations with the people at the 
>comics company concerning, ummm, some potential "directives"...and 
>"massaging"...that the nimnuls over at TNT Corporate are very likely to 
>incorporate if they view this as a franchise property?

We've talked a bit here and there....


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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