JMS CIS Digest: 12-Apr-00 04:16 through 12-Apr-00 04:17 (76 msgs)

John D. Hardin jhardin at
Fri Apr 14 02:20:34 EDT 2000

RFC 1153 Digest of messages from
J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
12-Apr-00 04:16 through 12-Apr-00 04:17 (76 messages)

WARNING: This digest may contain information about shows
         you haven't seen yet ("spoilers"). Proceed with caution.

Subjects in digest:
        Unauthorized books?
        Crusade on eBay
        Who is Fiona Avery
        <Appearances & Deceipts>
        Have you been poking fun
        <A Lost Clue?>
        <Racing the Night>
        Crusade's Future
        Crusade and WB Network
        <The Memory of War>
        Crusade scripts
        Crusade in syndication?
        Roddenberry's new shows
        Fiona Avery
        What was up TNT's butt
        Going down w/ the Ship
        Excalibur's fighters
        <Value Judgements>
        Crusade cancellation
        Is there a Best Episode?
        New 2 HR B5 Movie?

  South Park fans may wish to visit:

  The digest will continue to be produced. Thanks
    for all your kind words.

  The administrivia for this digest may be read at
  It was last updated Sat Feb 13 10:21:30 1999

  Replies to this digest go to John Hardin.



Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:00 -0700
From: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Unauthorized books?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5051 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5050 at>

> The Lane books fall into the "may not always be more objective"
> category stated above, especially the second one, ... 

I found the first book to be quite informative (particularly the
inclusion of your essay from Foundation) and reasonably objective. 
Thus I was glad to see the second edition come out.

But, like you, I was rather taken aback by the attitude of the author
in the second book.  He was clearly miffed and allowed that to color
what could otherwise have been a well done second book.  Clearly, the
objectivity was gone.

Still, he did manage to put in a couple of things worth seeing.  In
particular, he quoted the entire 'Declaration of Principles' from
'Paragon of Animals'.  Which, by the way, I showed to a minister friend
and had the pleasure of watching his eyes mist over as he read it.

But, on the whole, I could not recommend the second volume to any but
the die-hard fan who is willing to gloss over some of the sour grapes
to get to the few good parts.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
73289 on 22-Dec-1999 23:07 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:00 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
Subject: Unauthorized books?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5052 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5051 at>

"But, like you, I was rather taken aback by the attitude of the author
in the second book.  He was clearly miffed and allowed that to color
what could otherwise have been a well done second book.  Clearly, the
objectivity was gone."


"Still, he did manage to put in a couple of things worth seeing.  In
particular, he quoted the entire 'Declaration of Principles' from
'Paragon of Animals'."

      Which a) he didn't write, b) I did, and get nothing for the
reuse of my material, c) is widely available online, and d) can be
transcribed by anyone from the episode, so you don't need the book to
do that.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
73293 on 23-Dec-1999 04:45 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:00 -0700
From: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Crusade on eBay
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5054 at>

This looked a little suspect to me, so I thought I'd pass it on...

There is a Crusade "Workprint" copy of "Racing the Night" for sale on
eBay, Item# 244480063.

Is this legit, or has someone ripped off something?


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
73938 on 25-Jan-2000 22:45 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:00 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
Subject: Crusade on eBay
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5058 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5054 at>

Message text written by Graham Smith: "There is a Crusade "Workprint"
copy of "Racing the Night" for sale on eBay, Item# 244480063.

Is this legit, or has someone ripped off something? "

It's definitely not legal for people to be selling that stuff.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
74419 on 17-Feb-2000 07:45 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:08 -0700
From: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Who is Fiona Avery
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5197 at>

   Can (will) you tell us about Fiona Avery's connection to B5 and
Crusade? I just picked up the first PsiCorp novel and she was in the
dedication. Got me to wondering...


"Man is always marveling at what he has blown apart, never at what the
universe has put together, and this is his limitation." - Loren

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69404 on 24-Jul-1999 23:42 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:09 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
Subject: Who is Fiona Avery
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5209 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5197 at>

"Can (will) you tell us about Fiona Avery's connection to B5 and
Crusade? I just picked up the first PsiCorp novel and she was in the
dedication. Got me to wondering..."

      We brought Fiona aboard during the last part of S5 as a
reference editor to keep the continuity straight, and for Crusade
(about which more in a bit). There was a growing problem keeping the
licensees and licensed material accurate; stuff slipped through the RPG
books and elsewhere (this was before she got here).  She was brought on
to stop the problem, and to annoy the licensees in the sense that it's
often easier not to get things right, and she has to stay on top of
them and make them crazy in order to ensure that the accuracy the fans
(and I) expect is maintained.

      She was also brought on with an eye toward Crusade because she
has a degree in Archaeology and Crusade's an archaeological SF series. 
Along the way, she began writing spec scripts for Crusade which ended
up being good enough to buy, and we bought 4 of which 2 were produced,
Well and Patterns. The last one she did, Value Judgments, was probably
the best of the bunch; it's a Bester script that Walter considered one
of his best roles, and would tie in directly with the Psi Corps books.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69445 on 25-Jul-1999 21:47 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:09 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700 at>
Subject: Appearances & Deceipts
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5264 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5249 at>

"But since this was one of the episodes that was probably shot first
(as evidenced by the uniforms), I must say that I'm a little surprised
that the actors seemed more at home here than they did in other
episodes that were probably shot later."

      Actually it was the very last one shot.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69618 on 30-Jul-1999 06:51 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:09 -0700
From: Randy Pastrone <76436.2204 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Have you been poking fun
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5266 at>


In the last episode were all the references to color schemes and the
new uniforms a deliberate poke at Star Trek?  The colors of the new
uniform are a cross between the jackets that Captain Picard wore and
the colors of the cadet's uniforms.  And the reference to being able to
breath in the high collars which were part of the NG uniform from about
season 2 on.  I don't know if it was intentional but you got a snicker
out of me.

Also more out of curiosity were you aware that the new ship in the
Star Trek New Frontier book series which started in 1997 is call the
U.S.S. Excalibur?

I find it hard to believe that after TNT went to all the trouble to
market B5 that they are planning to cancel Crusade almost before it
starts.  As you know it takes about 2 to 3 years for the actors and
writers to develop their characters.  Well if push comes to shove go
spend a little time writing for Voyager they could use a little
thinking outside of the box.

Take care, RJ

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69627 on 30-Jul-1999 15:29 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:09 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Randy Pastrone <76436.2204 at>
Subject: Have you been poking fun
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5270 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5266 at>

"In the last episode were all the references to color schemes and the
new uniforms a deliberate poke at Star Trek?  The colors of the new
uniform are a cross between the jackets that Captain Picard wore and
the colors of the cadet's uniforms.  And the reference to being able to
breath in the high collars which were part of the NG uniform from about
season 2 on.  I don't know if it was intentional but you got a snicker
out of me."

      No, it had nothing to do with ST, it was a shot at TNT.

"Also more out of curiosity were you aware that the new ship in the
Star Trek New Frontier book series which started in 1997 is call the
U.S.S. Excalibur?"

      I didn't know this until well into the process, and basically,
screw 'em, they don't own Camelot.

      This is not a Trek-centric solar system.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69640 on 30-Jul-1999 22:07 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:10 -0700
From: Arthur Stoppe <73710.2014 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Have you been poking fun
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5302 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5270 at>

"In the last episode were all the references to color schemes and the
new uniforms a deliberate poke at Star Trek?  The colors of the new
uniform are a cross between the jackets that Captain Picard wore and
the colors of the cadet's uniforms.  And the reference to being able to
breath in the high collars which were part of the NG uniform from about
season 2 on.  I don't know if it was intentional but you got a snicker
out of me."

 I thought the designer character  was played a lot like the Victor
Spinetti TV director character from "A Hard Days Night", -you know, the
same kind of fidgety nervous quirkiness, which I thought was really
cool.  I thought its was too similar to be anything other than a
tribute of sorts and not merely a coincidence.  Was this the intent?


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69718 on 01-Aug-1999 23:57 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:10 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Arthur Stoppe <73710.2014 at>
Subject: Have you been poking fun
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5304 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5302 at>

"I thought the designer character  was played a lot like the Victor
Spinetti TV director character from "A Hard Days Night", -you know, the
same kind of fidgety nervous quirkiness, which I thought was really
cool.  I thought its was too similar to be anything other than a
tribute of sorts and not merely a coincidence.  Was this the intent?"

      No.  Never even occured to me.

      I *am* capable of making up my own characters, you know....


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69722 on 02-Aug-1999 06:15 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:10 -0700
From: Steve Crow <102512.275 at>
To: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
Subject: Appearances & Deceipts
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5305 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5242 at>

"While the "B" story was simply a setup for the costume changes that
mark the beginning of the original 5 episode run, it still had it's
moments. I was particularly amused to see Joe having a bit of fun with
the fans reactions to the original Crusade cast photos in TV Guide. It
seems that even Gideon thought they looked like bell hop uniforms."

My only question here was, what was the episode written like before
the uiform change had to be explained.  There seemed like a fair amount
of time (although probably no more than 10 minutes of screen-time)
devoted to it.  One wonders what was in the first few drafts that took
up those ten minutes...

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69728 on 02-Aug-1999 19:25 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:10 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Steve Crow <102512.275 at>
Subject: Appearances & Deceipts
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5312 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5305 at>

      No, the episode was written that way from the git-go, there was
no prior version.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69754 on 03-Aug-1999 03:56 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:10 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Neil S. Turkenkopf <102664.3532 at>
Subject: A Lost Clue?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5322 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5316 at>

"As Gideon was preparing Greenberg's body for Airlock'nLoad,the
alienwithin was pleading:"Don't do this! Iknow what you're looking
for!" Was this a reference to the Plague/Cure?"

      Yep.  But since the body couldn't talk aloud, it couldn't
communicate this effectively.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69787 on 04-Aug-1999 23:50 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:10 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5346 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5331 at>



This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69849 on 06-Aug-1999 04:29 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:10 -0700
From: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Crusade's Future
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5338 at>

   Now that Crusade's future is looking even more bleak - I had hope
that The Sci Fi Channel would pick it up, but - I wanted to ask you
some stuff. Are you legally able to tell us how Crusade would have
ended and share some of its secrets? Would you be able to outline a set
of books similar to what you did with PsiCorp and the Technomages? In
other words, do you own the unwritten parts of Crusade or does TNT?
   Right now, the only future I see for the show is short stories and
novels. (I suppose it wouldn't be a show at that point but...) It would
be nice if you're willing and able to share details to have some kind
of closure and resolution via this medium.
   This sucks.


"We may well go to the moon, but that's not very far. The greatest
distance we have to cover still lies within us." - Charles de Gaulle

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69837 on 06-Aug-1999 00:51 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:10 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
Subject: Crusade's Future
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5347 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5338 at>

      Not knowing the final word, I really can't get into this...but
if there were to be no more eps, I'm not sure that I would want to get
into a long dissertation of what would've been...because what would be
the point?  It was made to be *done*, not talked about.  In addition,
for myself, it would be better to move on to other projects at that
point rather than stay immersed in that one universe.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69850 on 06-Aug-1999 04:32 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:10 -0700
From: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Crusade's Future
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5350 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5347 at>

   Do you think Del Rey would - would be able to - put out a series of


"We may well go to the moon, but that's not very far. The greatest
distance we have to cover still lies within us." - Charles de Gaulle

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69860 on 06-Aug-1999 13:56 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
Subject: Crusade's Future
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5356 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5350 at>



This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69897 on 06-Aug-1999 22:21 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Jamichie > [jamichie]
Subject: Crusade's Future
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.6005 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.6004 at>

      It's nothing to do with Crusade as a *product*.  It's Crusade
and the writing thereof as an *art form* that is at issue here.  If a
composer was stopped from finishing a symphony, and someone said,
"Well, can you talk about what you *would* have done?" it's an
impossible question...a symphony is meant to be *heard* not talked

      Further, it would mean my spending a great deal of time dwelling
on something that I won't be able to *do*.  For me, it's not an
academic exercise, it's a point of great personal frustration...why in
heaven's name should I choose to enhance that any further by dwelling
on all the cool things I could've/would've done had TNT not pulled the


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72638 on 22-Nov-1999 06:43 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Jamichie > [jamichie]
Subject: Crusade's Future
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.6008 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.6006 at>

      No, I know where the story was going to go, that ain't the
point; the point is in spending that much emotional time going over
something that somebody canceled.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72677 on 25-Nov-1999 06:36 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: Michael Beemer <71551.1670 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5367 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5363 at>


   I didn't hear it clearly myself, but I thought it was saying
something like [things changed since I last knew].  It's a BS excuse
and Gideon isn't happy with it.

   Since we've already seen the box in a later shot / earlier aired
episode, we know that the box doesn't always tell the truth.  It seems
Gideon is relying heavily on his luck to tell which of the box's
recommendations to follow.  Then again, he said he'd deal with the
devil if that's what it took...


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69931 on 07-Aug-1999 13:32 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Michael Beemer <71551.1670 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5369 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5367 at>

      "Things change...long time gone."

      And in later instances when the box talks, it's Gideon's/Gary's
voice. You may take that as foreshadowing if you wish.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69942 on 07-Aug-1999 22:40 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5379 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5369 at>

> And in later instances when the box talks, it's Gideon's/Gary's
> voice. You may take that as foreshadowing if you wish. 

I have learned that a leaf falling can sometimes be foreshadowing in
your stories <g>.

BTW, why didn't we see anything of the box in the "first" episodes?

 --Graham --Graham

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69963 on 08-Aug-1999 13:32 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5383 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5379 at>

"BTW, why didn't we see anything of the box in the "first" episodes?"

      You did, in Path of Sorrows.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69970 on 08-Aug-1999 21:51 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700 at>
To: Michael Beemer <71551.1670 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5377 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5367 at>

> Since we've already seen the box in a later shot / earlier aired
> episode, we know that the box doesn't always tell the truth.  It
> seems Gideon is relying heavily on his luck to tell which of the
> box's recommendations to follow. Then again, he said he'd deal with
> the devil if that's what it took...

        Well, he's a gambler, and he's gambling with that box, and if
he's not careful it may blow up in more than just his own face. The
entire crew may stand to suffer as a result of his having misplaced
faith in both that box and with his own choices concerning it.

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69957 on 08-Aug-1999 09:11 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5386 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5377 at>

      Also, no one else on the crew knows about the box.  Well,
officially. One other person knows about it, but he's not supposed to
know.  And Galen suspects something amiss from his passing comment at
the end of the ep.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69974 on 08-Aug-1999 22:09 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5391 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5383 at>

> Q:  "BTW, why didn't we see anything of the box in the "first"
> episodes?" A:   You did, in Path of Sorrows. 

Well, yes, I know that! <G>

But I meant that here we were with the box in the original first
episode.  I'm just a bit surprised we didn't see more of it in some of
the other episodes shown to date since it would have originally been
introduced in the first episode.   Does that make sense?


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70002 on 09-Aug-1999 21:41 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5397 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5391 at>

      Remember, you're seeing things with the broadcast order all
kafuffled due to the TNT situation, so it would've been better layered.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70021 on 09-Aug-1999 23:21 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: Karen S. Hayes <112230.2454 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5402 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5386 at>

> Also, no one else on the crew knows about the box.  Well, officially.
> One other person knows about it, but he's not supposed to know.  And
> Galen suspects something amiss from his passing comment at the end of
> the ep.

Do we find out who this is in the remaining four (*sniff*) episodes? 
And if not, can you give us a little hint?  If I had to speculate, I'd
say probably Max, because this sort of artifact is in his province.  On
the other hand, Matheson could have accidentally picked up something
telepathically. On the other hand, that uses up all the "he's" doesn't
it? unless you were deliberately confusing the gender pronouns. But I
think I'd still go with Max.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70030 on 10-Aug-1999 02:57 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Karen S. Hayes <112230.2454 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5411 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5402 at>

"Do we find out who this is in the remaining four (*sniff*) episodes? 
And if not, can you give us a little hint?"



This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70077 on 10-Aug-1999 23:57 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5376 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5359 at>

> I share your enthusiasm for this episode.  This is the type of story
> that pulls you in and does not let you go untill its over.  JMS at
> his best. I have been generally disappointed by the show so far. 
> Theis ep got my blood flowing again.

        It was also so very sad in its own way because I thought it
awesome as well, and I couldn't help but start thinking of "What might
have been ..." <Sigh>
        	I was also surprised to learn that this was originally the
episode that was supposed to air first because I think it would have
sucked a lot of people right into the saga very quickly, and by saving
it for as long as they did they probably worsened the enthusiasm
        	Well, that was TNT's doing, not Joe's, though I wonder if
they would have had this episode ready to air first anyway because it
was so SFX heavy.

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69956 on 08-Aug-1999 09:09 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5384 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5376 at>

"Well, that was TNT's doing, not Joe's, though I wonder if they would
have had this episode ready to air first anyway because it was so SFX

      Racing was finished last December.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69972 on 08-Aug-1999 22:09 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
To: Jim Miles > [jmiles1005]
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5380 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5378 at>

> It would have been very interesting to see just how desperate the
> crew of the Excalibur would have gotten 3 years down the road, and
> just who they would have walked over to find the cure. 

This is a point I was making after "The Long Road".  I disliked the
actions of the EA strip mining the planet at the expense of the people
living there, and liked Gideons solution to it.  But it begs the
question, "How long do you keep being polite when there are billions of
lives at stake?"

The Shadows believed in evolution thru struggle.  The plague is more
than just a weapon of destruction.  It has the ability to start the
kind of conflicts that the Shadows were always trying to start.

That's the potential of the arc that has been set up here.  As time
passes, the EA is going to be under more and more pressure to find a
cure by any means possible.  That may mean by violent means at times. 
This will mean conflicts between the members of the IA and even
conflicts within the EA itself.

 --Graham --Graham

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69964 on 08-Aug-1999 13:32 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5385 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5380 at>

"I disliked the actions of the EA strip mining the planet at the
expense of the people living there, and liked Gideons solution to it. 
But it begs the question, "How long do you keep being polite when there
are billions of lives at stake?"
"That's the potential of the arc that has been set up here.  As time
passes, the EA is going to be under more and more pressure to find a
cure by any means possible.  That may mean by violent means at times. 
This will mean conflicts between the members of the IA and even
conflicts within the EA itself."


      As Eilerson said, "Wouldn't you sacrifice a hundred Narns to
save Earth?"  It was a question Gideon didn't answer.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
69973 on 08-Aug-1999 22:09 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Chris Shepard > [chrisvshep]
Subject: Crusade and WB Network
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5398 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5389 at>

"If Warner Bros. really believes in the future of Crusade, then why
don't they just save the show themselves and put it on the WB Network?"

      Because there IS no one Warner Bros.  It was constructed as a
series of competing and structurally independent fiefdoms...WB Domestic
TV competes with the WB Network and so on.  Each division actively
competes and to a large degree won't *cooperate* with other divisions. 
A network also wants its own stamp on the development process, so they
simply wouldn't take another show they didn't develop, from a competing


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70022 on 09-Aug-1999 23:21 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: Karen S. Hayes <112230.2454 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5404 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5381 at>

> I really loved this episode as an introduction to the series *I*
> wanted to see.  Starts dark, is dark, ends dark.  The dark, focused
> characterizations, and the edgy overriding tension, are a *much*
> truer follow-on to ACTA than everything else we've seen. 

Agreed. And in a way, the darkest part is Gideon's flashback, when the
ambassadors, looking after their own interests as usual, force him
into this devil's bargain of abandoning his search in 4 years if he's
unsuccessful (Too bad, I used to like the Brakiri ambassador!)  It
makes me wonder whether, if push came to shove and the cure hadn't been
found at the end of 4 years, Gideon would actually keep his word?

Also, JMS has hinted elsewhere that the cure might be found before the
end of the series. He's also said the show we think we're watching will
turn out not to be the show we're actually watching.  Put these two
together, and I wonder greatly if, had the next few years played out,
he might have gradually uncovered some other, greater theme or conflict
that would overshadow the plague, and take over the plot for the last
year or so.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70032 on 10-Aug-1999 02:57 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Karen S. Hayes <112230.2454 at>
Subject: Racing the Night
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5412 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5404 at>

"JMS has hinted elsewhere that the cure might be found before the end
of the series. He's also said the show we think we're watching will
turn out not to be the show we're actually watching.  Put these two
together, and I wonder greatly if, had the next few years played out,
he might have gradually uncovered some other, greater theme or conflict
that would overshadow the plague, and take over the plot for the last
year or so."

      If not sooner....


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70078 on 11-Aug-1999 00:08 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:12 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: SysOp Deonaha M. Conlin <102531.2627 at>
Subject: The Memory of War
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5490 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5454 at>

      I've no idea.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70279 on 15-Aug-1999 05:20 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:12 -0700
From: T.P.Chai <104674.3064 at>
To: JMS <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Crusade scripts
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5494 at>

JMS, you have indicated that you have no interest in continue to work
with the Crusade storyline if it doesn't get picked up. But what about
the 4 scripts that are already written? will you be able to sell the
scripts, publish them somehow? I think I can speak for all the fans

If the series does get a new home, will the finished scripts be the
start of a new season?

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70303 on 16-Aug-1999 02:05 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:12 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: T.P.Chai <104674.3064 at>
Subject: Crusade scripts
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5497 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5494 at>

"JMS, you have indicated that you have no interest in continue to work
with the Crusade storyline if it doesn't get picked up. But what about
the 4 scripts that are already written? will you be able to sell the
scripts, publish them somehow? I think I can speak for all the fans

      The only one that I know will be available: this Friday at
NASFIC (at a table set aside for SFFNET folks) Fiona Avery will be
selling a limited number of copies of her script for "Value Judgments,"
the unproduced CRUSADE script featuring Bester (which Walter considered
had some of the best Bester stuff to date).  I believe it's in the
afternoon at some point.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70342 on 16-Aug-1999 21:22 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Crusade scripts
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5505 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5497 at>

> The only one that I know will be available: this Friday at NASFIC
> (at a table set aside for SFFNET folks) Fiona Avery will be selling a
> limited number of copies of her script for "Value Judgments," the
> unproduced CRUSADE script featuring Bester (which Walter considered
> had some of the best Bester stuff to date).  I believe it's in the
> afternoon at some point.

   Oh, man! She could make a killing selling more then a limited
number over the Internet. If reasonably priced, I'd certainly pay to
see what she had in store for our heros.


"The human heart dares not stay away too long from that which hurt it
most. There is a return journey to anguish that few of us are released
from making." - Lillian Smith

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70366 on 17-Aug-1999 01:03 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
Subject: Crusade scripts
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5506 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5505 at>

      Just to clarify...she'll be selling 'em at 11:30 that Friday
morning, though folks should check the schedule to confirm.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70369 on 17-Aug-1999 04:07 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:12 -0700
From: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Crusade in syndication?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5498 at>


        If the Sci Fi Channel doesn't pick up "Crusade" as some people
fear won't happen, would you consider trying to prepare the show for
the syndicated market for next year? You got four pretty good years
with B5 in the syndie market after all, and on average the ratings were
better than they were following the move to TNT despite some of the
lousy time slots which the show got stuck with in various parts of the
country before the switch to cable, and so my thinking is that you guys
could do far worse were you to consider this as an option once again.

P.S.  I watched "In the Beginning" again this past weekend --thanks
for a Classic!

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70346 on 16-Aug-1999 21:52 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700 at>
Subject: Crusade in syndication?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5507 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5498 at>

      Unfortunately, the syndicated market has become much more
crowded and much tighter since B5 went on the air, with Tribune and Fox
and UPN and others now claiming vast tracts of exclusive airtime. 
Which is a long way of saying there's no room in syndication.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70370 on 17-Aug-1999 04:07 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: Peter Kazmir <112055.402 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Roddenberry's new shows
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5521 at>


I was just wondering...I've been reading a little about three new
shows that are supposedly based on some ideas that Gene Roddenberry had
at some point...Phoenix Rising, Starship, and Andromeda.

None of them sound like B5 <g> but Phoenix Rising, at least sounds
like it has the potential to rise to B5-ness (I said potential) if they
get good writing and a good sense of the story (and get good actors and
good...well, we get the idea).

Have you heard much about any of the three?  Do have any thoughts
about them?

 -Peter (hoping to find something to look forward to if we lose

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70427 on 18-Aug-1999 13:41 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Peter Kazmir <112055.402 at>
Subject: Roddenberry's new shows
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5524 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5521 at>

      Don't know much of anything about 'em, sorry....


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70450 on 19-Aug-1999 01:01 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: Michael R. Marks <104504.455 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Fiona Avery
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5531 at>

 Joe, when someone picks up Crusade how will you deal with the Bester
episode that Fiona is selling. Will you still shoot it or consider it a
lost episode, for lack of a better term.

 Do you watch Crusade when it airs?


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70458 on 19-Aug-1999 01:48 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Michael R. Marks <104504.455 at>
Subject: Fiona Avery
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5532 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5531 at>

      No, if that were to happen, it won't make a major difference,
since at most a few hundred people will ever see the script, and that
ain't hardly a blip on the ratings.  More folks than that see a script
when it's sent out for actors to use for auditions.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70460 on 19-Aug-1999 05:31 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: What was up TNT's butt
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5563 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5544 at>

      That's way too long an answer for me to go over again...there's
probably a long dissertation on this over on the Lurker's guide. 
Suffice to say that the short answer to the question in your heading
is: me.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70541 on 21-Aug-1999 00:52 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: What was up TNT's butt
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5568 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5563 at>

> Suffice to say that the short answer to the question in your heading
> is: me.

   How can you stand being up there like that?


"The human heart dares not stay away too long from that which hurt it
most. There is a return journey to anguish that few of us are released
from making." - Lillian Smith

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70555 on 21-Aug-1999 03:07 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:14 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Seanchai <75754.3567 at>
Subject: What was up TNT's butt
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5583 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5568 at>

">>Suffice to say that the short answer to the question in your
heading is: me.<<
   How can you stand being up there like that?"

         I brought a flame-thrower.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70600 on 22-Aug-1999 21:17 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:00 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: What was up TNT's butt
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5649 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5603 at>

      "Appearances" was written to explain the change from black to
grey; after the 5 grey-uniform eps in 116 Gideon arranged for a
hideous...accident to happen to the grey uniforms, so they'd go back to
the black ones again.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70766 on 26-Aug-1999 04:00 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: John Morgan <71513.2510 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Going down w/ the Ship
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5552 at>

I love Crusade. It has an arc like B5, but w/ more
adventure/exploration. I also admire your principle. there is no point
caving in to tv execs who are used to John Wayne reruns & basketball.
Is there any chance the Sci Fi Channel can still pick up the show for
next season?

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70510 on 20-Aug-1999 18:30 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:16:13 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: John Morgan <71513.2510 at>
Subject: Going down w/ the Ship
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5564 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5552 at>



This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
70542 on 21-Aug-1999 00:52 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:03 -0700
From: Bruce Scandariato <72571.1722 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Excalibur's fighters
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5860 at>

I've been meaning to ask this question.

whats the name of those space/atmospheric star fury type fighters?

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
71318 on 14-Sep-1999 05:25 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:03 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Bruce Scandariato <72571.1722 at>
Subject: Excalibur's fighters
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5863 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5860 at>



This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
71338 on 14-Sep-1999 22:31 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:03 -0700
From: Bruce Scandariato <72571.1722 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Excalibur's fighters
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5864 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5863 at>

> Thunderbolts.

are they the same thunderbolts that saw service under Sheridan's B5
command in season 4-5?

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
71339 on 15-Sep-1999 00:19 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:03 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Bruce Scandariato <72571.1722 at>
Subject: Excalibur's fighters
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5873 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5864 at>

      Pretty much the same model, yes.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
71383 on 16-Sep-1999 07:00 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:03 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Value Judgements
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5896 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5895 at>

      Except of course that would totally destroy Garibaldi's


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
71528 on 25-Sep-1999 22:54 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:03 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Karen S. Hayes <112230.2454 at>
Subject: Value Judgements
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5913 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5901 at>

      It's something we're considering.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
71582 on 28-Sep-1999 05:41 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: T.P.Chai <104674.3064 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Crusade cancellation
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5956 at>

JMS, sorry if I'm flogging a dead horse (double sorry if that's the
wrong metaphor) but I'm wondering at which point was Crusade officially
"cancelled". was it

1) when TNT stopped production 2) when the cast contracts expired
3) after the airing when no one picked it up 4) still some hope left??

A bit of good news is that in Canada after it aired on Space, it is
now being broadcast in about 6 local stations across the country.

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
71852 on 06-Oct-1999 18:59 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: T.P.Chai <104674.3064 at>
Subject: Crusade cancellation
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5957 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5956 at>

      In technical terms it's always when you're told to stop
production and that's it.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
71860 on 07-Oct-1999 00:42 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: (blocked)
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Is there a Best Episode?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5970 at>


As you know, the SFWA reinstated the Dramatic Nebula.  What episode(s)
of Crusade deserve consideration for this?  (In your humble opinion, of
course. <g>)


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72107 on 17-Oct-1999 23:19 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Is there a Best Episode?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5974 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5970 at>

"As you know, the SFWA reinstated the Dramatic Nebula.  What
episode(s) of Crusade deserve consideration for this?"

      I dunno...maybe THE MEMORY OF WAR, though if anything deserves
it, it's THE MATRIX.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72122 on 19-Oct-1999 01:36 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: (blocked)
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Is there a Best Episode?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5975 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5974 at>

> if anything deserves it, it's THE MATRIX. 

So I've heard.  Now I have to go rent it.

There are some people trying to ensure that good stuff gets on the
ballot. The only nomination so far is a Swedish porn flick that is only
incidentally SF.  The group that nominated that one want to embarrass
the organization into re-abolishing the award.  It's a very sorry mess.
Anyway, your opinion will be added to our list.



This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72125 on 19-Oct-1999 10:48 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Is there a Best Episode?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5977 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5975 at>

"The only nomination so far is a Swedish porn flick that is only
incidentally SF.  The group that nominated that one want to embarrass
the organization into re-abolishing the award.  It's a very sorry

      Of course.  It's SFWA.

      Never have I seen a group that writes about technology so
frightened of a form of technological storytelling.  They're the writer-
equivilents of Luddites.  (Meaning the ones pulling this crap.)


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72135 on 19-Oct-1999 21:27 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Is there a Best Episode?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5978 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5974 at>

> I dunno...maybe THE MEMORY OF WAR, though if anything deserves it,
> it's THE MATRIX. 

Interesting choice in "The Memory of War".  I was just re-watching it
this weekend and was once again surprised at how well it seemed to
start off in one direction then suddenly surprised us by heading off in
another.  As I said at the time, this episode really came on strong and
hinted at some of the incredible potential the characters and story

As to "The Matrix", I think you may be betting on the winner there,
but strangely I found the story a trifle weak.  Perhaps because it was
so overshadowed by the extravagant visual effect.  I'd hate to have to
pay the tab for just 10 seconds of that film.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72137 on 19-Oct-1999 21:54 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:04 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Graham Smith <74010.764 at>
Subject: Is there a Best Episode?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.5980 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.5978 at>

"As to "The Matrix", I think you may be betting on the winner there,
but strangely I found the story a trifle weak.  Perhaps because it was
so overshadowed by the extravagant visual effect.  I'd hate to have to
pay the tab for just 10 seconds of that film."

      The story is fairly straightforward and parts of it do not bear
close scrutiny, but the mythology of the thing is very well done, and
obviously the action stuff is the best I've ever seen.  The DVD is
particularly cool; it has the movie, commentaries, the ability to dive
out of the movie to see the sequence done segment by segment, then see
the whole thing, and you can see it from script to storyboard to filmed
end-product.  I've probably watched the whole thing through about 4-5

      As much as I have a personal investment in Crusade and all
things Babylonian, I can't think of much that could compete with the
Matrix in terms of quality.

      (And to the question of what episode I'd consider...absent the
Matrix for a moment, it occurs to me that A Call to Arms and River of
Souls are both also elibigle for this year.)


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72155 on 21-Oct-1999 03:01 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:12 -0700
From: John Morgan <71513.2510 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: New 2 HR B5 Movie?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.6124 at>

I have heard there is another 2 hr B5 TNT movie slotted for next yr.
Is this true & what is the general plot?

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72569 on 18-Nov-1999 20:35 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:12 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: John Morgan <71513.2510 at>
Subject: New 2 HR B5 Movie?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.6125 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.6124 at>

      I haven't heard anything about it, and thus don't think it's


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72584 on 19-Nov-1999 07:20 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:12 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: New 2 HR B5 Movie?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.6127 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.6126 at>

      Those rumors are *always* coming...doesn't mean anything.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72602 on 20-Nov-1999 01:18 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:12 -0700
From: Lee Gordon <75030.1144 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: New 2 HR B5 Movie?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.6128 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.6127 at>

> Those rumors are *always* coming...doesn't mean anything.

Probably wishful thinking on the part of the originators.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72604 on 20-Nov-1999 09:01 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:12 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Lee Gordon <75030.1144 at>
Subject: New 2 HR B5 Movie?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.6130 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.6128 at>

"Probably wishful thinking on the part of the originators."

      Except, of course, that the *originators* KNOW that it's not
true.  It may be wishful thinking on the part of those who *hear it*,
but the person who tells a fib knows that he is telling a fib.

      On the internet, inside information is currency, and there will
always be counterfeiters among us.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
72617 on 20-Nov-1999 23:47 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:12 -0700
From: (blocked)
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: New 2 HR B5 Movie?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.6136 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.6125 at>

John Morgan:
> I have heard there is another 2 hr B5 TNT movie slotted for next yr.
> Is this true & what is the general plot? 

> I haven't heard anything about it, and thus don't think it's true.  

Is there even a remote, horrid possibility that WB could say "Since we
own all rights to B5, we're going to put out a B5 movie" ... and then
produce something lame withOUT you at the helm?

I hope not.  Do you have any form of insurance against "creative

RMES Minister of the Cathode Ray
 It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.  - Edmund Hillary

This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
74170 on 04-Feb-2000 21:46 GMT


Date: 12 Apr 2000 04:17:12 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: (blocked)
Subject: New 2 HR B5 Movie?
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.6139 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.6136 at>

Message text written by Rick Corey: "Is there even a remote, horrid
possibility that WB could say "Since we own all rights to B5, we're
going to put out a B5 movie" ... and then produce something lame
withOUT you at the helm? "

Odds are slim and none.


This Message was originally posted to the Babylon 5 Forum as number
74420 on 17-Feb-2000 07:46 GMT


End of JMS CIS Digest 12-Apr-00 04:16 through 12-Apr-00 04:17
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