Jms, any plans to write a book?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Apr 17 04:25:55 EDT 2000

From: "A Jensen" <allan at>
Date: 16 Apr 2000 21:25:52 -0600
Lines: 44


JMS' comment piqued my interest. I'm not an expert on the current market,
but I've sort of noticed the lack of good SF titles in the bookstores over
the past year or two. Is this something cyclic or is there a some sturctural
problem in the publishing end of things. I always appreciate JMS' insights
on "how things work."

allan at
aim high!
In article <20000415234347.10475.00001868 at>, jmsatb5 at
(Jms at B5) wrote:

>>The new original one you've already done and are shopping around is a
>>supernatural thriller, isn't it, like your eariler two?
>The first two were nominally horror novels, with the supernatural aspect right
>at the core of the story; this one isn't.  It's a contemporary mystery thriller
>with a slight supernatural aspect to it.  
>>Do you still have interest in SF?  Any plans for a new SF novel, your
>>first in prose?
>The SF book market is SO screwed up right now, with so many changes in
>management and scheduling and editors, that I'm kinda steering clear.  
> jms
>(jmsatb5 at
>B5 Official Fan Club at:
>(all message content (c) 2000 by
>synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
>to reprint specifically denied to
>SFX Magazine)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Apr 2000 21:44:33 -0600
Lines: 28

>I'm not an expert on the current market,
>but I've sort of noticed the lack of good SF titles in the bookstores over
>the past year or two. Is this something cyclic or is there a some sturctural
>problem in the publishing end of things. 

Too many publishing companies are now owned by too few corporations, leading to
the Hollywoodization of Publishing: total  emphasis on blockbusters, the
eradication of the midlist, the production of cookie cutter books, the mass
proliferation of generic fantasy titles, shrinking advances and marketing
support, and an environment that makes it harder for new or midlist writers to
survive, and even more difficult for ANY writer to get something new or
challenging onto the marketplace in deference to safe choices.

Other than that, it's copacetic.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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