Pope, Condoms, and AIDS (was "geez")

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Tue Apr 25 04:25:04 EDT 2000

From: trag at io.com (Jeff Walther)
Date: 24 Apr 2000 00:25:18 -0600
Lines: 40

In article <DoOJ4.11329$jZ3.127109 at nuq-read.news.verio.net>,
kilroy at elvis.rowan.edu (Dr Nancy's Sweetie) wrote:

> Your argument seems to require that two contradictory things be true:
>     a) everybody in Africa listens to the Pope and avoids condoms,
> and
>     b) everybody in Africa ignores the Pope, engaging in sexual acts
>        he disapproves of.
> Do you really believe both of these things simultaneously?  If so, how?

>From experience?  

Here's a little story.  Many years ago I was at a friend's wedding.  I
went to high school with this friend and I had a pretty tight nit group of
friends from high school.   It was known that this friend was getting
married because she was pregnant.

So, I asked another friend, who being female was more likely to have the
answer to my question, "Rose, I don't understand.  Eileen had the same
health classes in high school that we did.  They covered all the methods
of birth control in detail.  Why didn't she use some kind of protection?"

To which Rose replied, "Well, remember that Eileen is Catholic.  They
don't believe in using birth control and Eileen is pretty observant."

I pondered this a moment, and then followed the logic through, "But Rose,
catholics don't believe in having sex outside of marriage either."  

To which she could only shrug.  

Logical?  No.  Human nature?  Yes.  And exactly what a reasonable person
should expect.  It's easy to follow a rule against protection.  There's no
basic human urge driving you to use it.  It's ridiculous to expect people
to abstain from sex.  It just isn't going to happen in any kind of
meaningful numbers.

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 24 Apr 2000 14:11:58 -0600
Lines: 33

>In article <DoOJ4.11329$jZ3.127109 at nuq-read.news.verio.net>,
>kilroy at elvis.rowan.edu (Dr Nancy's Sweetie) wrote:
>> Your argument seems to require that two contradictory things be true:
>>     a) everybody in Africa listens to the Pope and avoids condoms,
>> and
>>     b) everybody in Africa ignores the Pope, engaging in sexual acts
>>        he disapproves of.
>> Do you really believe both of these things simultaneously?  If so, how?

So you're saying you always did EVERYTHING your father told you to do because
he disapproved?  Or did you do some things and not others?

Because if the former, then I'm pretty sure you're the first person on the
planet in all of history who can make that claim.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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