new jms tv series

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Aug 28 04:51:00 EDT 2000

From: pelzo63 at (Pelzo63)
Date: 27 Aug 2000 19:11:25 -0700
Lines: 28

in_valens_name wrote:

>In the spirit of the great tradition of fanish >speculation  :)
>I suspect it's for Showtime.  They've been fairly >supportive of SF
>programing, Joe's did a Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde adaption >movie for them
>(I think), and they offered Outer Limits to him before >Glassner.

i too am gonna pick showtime, although it doesn't matter much to me, as long as
it's not encore/starz. i get all the rest.  and i doubt there's much chance
it's enc/starz.  as far as the outer limits goes, isn't that ending soon? or
already has ended? i believe i saw it somewhere, and if it does, that would
leave a time slot on "sci-friday" right after Stargate SG:1. :-)

incidentally, after looking through the long list of shows jms has done, i find
i unknowingly have enjoyed nearly everything with his name on it(i didn't even
know who he was until late in B5S5), so i'm fairly sur i'll enjoy the new show

>Has HBO ever done any original SF shows before?

depends, do you count "Tales From the Crypt"? if so, then yes, if not, then, i
don't know for certain. 

[1] there's only 1 other person who has nywhere near that high of a batting
average with me.  hint: he did quantum leap. 

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Aug 2000 20:06:16 -0700
Lines: 31

>incidentally, after looking through the long list of shows jms has done, i
>i unknowingly have enjoyed nearly everything with his name on it(i didn't
>know who he was until late in B5S5), so i'm fairly sur i'll enjoy the new

I've been getting this a lot from people lately.  "Oh, I just knew you from B5,
I didn't know you had done (fill in the gap) until I was watching my old tapes
the other day and...."  Sometimes it's Murder She Wrote, but more often it's
The Real Ghostbusters or Jayce or He-Man or Twilight Zone or Captain Power or,
well, pick one...which invariably gets followed by, "I *grew up as a kid*
watching your stuff."

At which point I want to smite them with a very large mallet.  Or a very large
mallard, whichever is nearer at hand.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
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