new jms tv series

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Aug 29 04:41:05 EDT 2000

From: Jerome <kalisz at>
Date: 28 Aug 2000 11:11:40 -0700
Lines: 29

Jms at B5 wrote:

> I've been getting this a lot from people lately.  "Oh, I just knew you from B5,
> I didn't know you had done (fill in the gap) until I was watching my old tapes
> the other day and...."  Sometimes it's Murder She Wrote, but more often it's
> The Real Ghostbusters or Jayce or He-Man or Twilight Zone or Captain Power or,
> well, pick one...

For our curiosity, just how much of those shows, especially "He-Man" and "Real Ghostbusters", did you write?  The occasional script?  Most of them?  Consultant?

I ask about those shows in particular because I remember watching them as a......

> ..which invariably gets followed by, "I *grew up as a kid*
> watching your stuff."
> At which point I want to smite them with a very large mallet.  Or a very large
> mallard, whichever is nearer at hand.
>  jms

Well, I wasn't really a "kid".  More a high schooler and college freshman.  Of course, there's the fact I got my master's degree over ten years ago...   ;-)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 28 Aug 2000 16:56:13 -0700
Lines: 21

>For our curiosity, just how much of those shows, especially "He-Man" and
>"Real Ghostbusters", did you write?  The occasional script?  Most of them?

I was story editor on both shows (also on the He-Man followup series, She-Ra). 
I wrote something like a dozen eps for those two shows, and around 18 for


(jmsatb5 at
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(all message content (c) 2000 by
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