ATTN JMS: Blown away by "Night Calls"

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Aug 30 04:46:10 EDT 2000

From: "Itaï Perez" <itai.perez at>
Date: 29 Aug 2000 22:55:22 -0700
Lines: 60

Simo, Christian, I see you have not contributed in the debate on Night Calls
in the thread "Disappointed w/City'o'dreams, Night Calls" and "We missed
something, JMS please help us !".
The discussion is on the (apparently lack of) relation between the two parts
of the story (Ben Joseph and the Web site) and on the meaning of the (again
apparently lack of) conclusion. I have no doubt of the quality of JMS
writing, but my feeling at the end of the story was unsatisfaction. I think
that I must have missed something.
As you seem to be satisfied by the story, if you could just add your bit of
wisdom to the thread it could help us to come closer to the truth.

And of course, JMS, if you would be so kind as to take a time to have a look
at that thread and show us the right way, we would be eternally grateful.



Christian McNeill <christian at> a écrit dans le message :
S00r5.304$3d6.4420 at
> "Jms at B5" <jmsatb5 at> wrote in message
> news:20000830001353.11544.00002236 at
> > >I just wanted to say that the City of Dreams episode "Night Calls"
> > >totally blew me away. I enjoyed the first four a great deal, but this
> > >one had my UNDIVIDED attention.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > >How many episodes will there be in the series?
> > >
> >
> > We're doing 13 in all.  There are five up now at
> > the next one goes up on the 14th, and I'm hustling to get scripts out
> door
> > for the rest so I can get focused on the other stuff.
> What a great birthday Present .. thanks! :))
> --
> ==========================================
> Christian McNeill
> One of the Medwar First Ones
> Keeper of the "Grrr Arrgh"
> Guardian of Mutant Enemy
> E-mail: christian at
> Web:
> ICQ: 818458
>    or  48580607

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 Aug 2000 23:01:30 -0700
Lines: 22

No, there is no relationship between the two stories, and none was intended. 
The conceit here is a radio drama on the web that gets interrupted by a couple
of guys who've hacked into the system to use it for webphone calls.  There
CAN'T be any relationship because one is just a story, while the other is
"really" happening.

I chose a funny story because it played best counterpoint with the darkness of
what's being portrayed in the intercepts.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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