ATTN JMS: Crusade scripts & technomage trilogy

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Jun 7 04:30:10 EDT 2000

From: "Mark D. McKean" <qpanda at>
Date: 6 Jun 2000 07:37:37 -0600
Lines: 25

(No explicit spoilers, but this message may contain implied spoilers to 
the astute of connection for any of the following: the Crusade scripts 
"To the Ends of the Earth" & "End of the Line", the B5 novel "The Shadow 
Within", and the upcoming technomage trilogy. Spoiler-squeamish readers 
are advised to use caution.)

I read the two Crusade scripts on Bookface last night. Wow. Please tell 
me that Del Rey and/or Jeanne Cavelos were provided with those scripts 
as part of the prep work for the technomage trilogy. At Marcon last 
month, Steve Saffel (from Del Rey) was dropping tantalizing teases (but 
no actual info, durnit!) about the technomage trilogy that implied that 
the revelations in those two scripts would be a major part of those 

Speaking of Jeanne, after finally reading "The Shadow Within", and 
matching that up with those two scripts, I can see why she was chosen to 
write that trilogy. "The Shadow Within" is one greatly disturbing novel. 
Jeanne really has a feel for that material.

If those two scripts can't sell Crusade to the Sci-Fi Channel, nothing 

Mark D. McKean - The Quantum Panda - qpanda at

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 6 Jun 2000 15:02:08 -0600
Lines: 20

>I read the two Crusade scripts on Bookface last night. Wow. Please tell 
>me that Del Rey and/or Jeanne Cavelos were provided with those scripts 
>as part of the prep work for the technomage trilogy.



(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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