B5 - what was the turning point for you?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Jun 14 04:48:05 EDT 2000

From: dg411 at freenet.carleton.ca (Andre Lieven)
Date: 13 Jun 2000 08:49:29 -0600
Lines: 42

For me, it was before I had even seen a minute of the program. 

I, and my ex, were at I Con 12, I believe it was, where jms and most
of the cast of The Gathering was in attendance. Along with a batch of
my pals from the area, we were doing panles at the con, and thus, were
to be found, at times, in the Green Room. I don't recall us having much
opportunity to speak with most of them, but what we heard, and saw of
them, both there and at panels, seemed interesting, and I remembered
to keep an eye out for the show, when it made it up to Ottawa.

Which was in January of '94, with the first episode coming the day after
they ran the pilot. I can't say that it blew me away right from the start,
but I could see that this was going to be an interesting, and different
place from ST. Even then, there were subtleties that I missed seeing,
until later. Now, it all but amazes me as to how some can think that 
Season 1 was " quiet ", and how O'Hare doesn't emote. <g>

During my first pass, TKO, for instance, struck me as being almost an
incidental episode. Upon reviewings, I can now see that, while it wasn't
a heavy arc story, it was significant to several of the characters,
especially Susan. And, that it was very well told.

Past all that, Season four came along just as my marriage collapsed, and 
what it said to me, was exactly what I needed to hear, at that time
and place of my life. So, by then, the story had a different additional
meaning to me. For that, alone, I owe jms great thnaks for being a 
part of what, and who, helped me hold it together at the toughest
time of my life. In that way, I found that G'Kar really speaks to a
lot of what carries meaning to me.

And, if I were to carry that analogy further, I would say that, like
Sheridan, my first wife was the Shadow controlled Anna, and my wife
to be is definitely more of a Delenn figure. Having seen my Z'Ha'dum
once, I am content to let Lyta blow it up...


" The noblest achievement of the imagination is to make time run some 
other way, and terminate in beauty and forgivness "
                                         David Gelernter, " 1939 "

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 13 Jun 2000 22:51:16 -0600
Lines: 19

>For that, alone, I owe jms great thnaks

I'll happily thettle for a thandwich and thome ith cream...

Thufferin' thuccotash....


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
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