Attn JMS: Some questions about inqusitions...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jun 24 04:33:22 EDT 2000

From: "Carl Judisch" <cjudisch at>
Date: 23 Jun 2000 11:03:06 -0600
Lines: 39

I'm not up on list spoiler policy, so I'm inserting spoiler space just in
case there are people out there who haven't seen Season 3's "War Without
Mr. Straczynski,
    I recently watched "Comes The Inquisitor" again for the first time in a
while. It raised a couple of questions for me that I was hoping that you
might give me your insight on.
    Watching this episode after having seen the rest of the series' run made
me wonder if the Inquisition the two underwent wasn't more for *their*
benefit than that of the Vorlons. Presumably the Vorlons *knew* that
Sheridan & Delenn were two-thirds of "The One" if Kosh was able to recognize
Sinclair/Valen after a thousand years (presuming that Kosh recognized
Sinclair by something other than physical appearance which seems highly
likely). Am I Correct?
    Secondly, Did Sinclair ever undergo an Inquisition at the behest of the
Vorlons? I know he was captured, interrogated, and tortured at the hands of
the Minbari at the Battle of the Line, but I'm not sure if that "counts" as
far as the Vorlons are concerned. There's no mention of anything like an
inquisition in "To Dream In The City Of Sorrows", so again I started
wondering... Would the Vorlons have forced Sinclair to undergo an
Inquisition before "sanctioning" his appearance to the Minbari with Babylon
4 by appearing outside their encounter suits?

Carl Judisch

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 23 Jun 2000 21:46:31 -0600
Lines: 24

> Watching this episode after having seen the rest of the series' run made
>me wonder if the Inquisition the two underwent wasn't more for *their*
>benefit than that of the Vorlons.

In a very real way...yeah, it was.

>Secondly, Did Sinclair ever undergo an Inquisition at the behest of the



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