ATTN JMS: Why not pestering DreamWorks or Disney in making a

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun May 14 04:25:02 EDT 2000

From: "Saw Bosses Pet Magician Vantu" <vantu4ever at>
Date: 13 May 2000 19:59:17 -0600
Lines: 44

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Why not pestering DreamWorks or Disney to make a animated J&WW movie instead, using their excellent animators with usage of the computer and the animation technology of today that has created amazing, breath taking, mouth-watering and stunning animated masterpieces like The Lion King, The Beauty and The Beast, Mulan, The Iron Giant, The Prince of Egypt and many, many more?

And when that animated J&WW movie kicks ass, more feature animations will follow either in the cinema or on videotape. 

I really hate the idea that the cartoon J&WW becomes a live action movie at all.
I mean with the excellent animators of today, with their skills and craftsmanship creating
wonderful animated movies that make the viewer forget that they are not watching at a live action movie at all, it is a downright shame and a pitiful waste in not letting them to make an amazing, breath taking, mouth-watering and stunning animated masterpiece of J&WW.

Besides a live action movie has a greater risk to be disappointing flop than an animated one.

And in the animated movie of J&WW all the original voice actors we (fans) have learned to love, adore or hate are able to participate in there (in their usually roles) as well.

May I post your reply to the Jayce And The Wheeled Warrors Mailing List?

Jan-Willem aka S.B.P.M. Vantu


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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 13 May 2000 23:29:34 -0600
Lines: 22

>Why not pestering DreamWorks or Disney to make a animated J&WW movie instead,
>using their excellent animators with usage of the computer and the animation
>technology of today that has created amazing, breath taking, mouth-watering
>and stunning animated masterpieces like The Lion King, The Beauty....

Cause I don't own it.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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