ATTN JMS: A miracle! Crusade renewed!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Nov 7 04:33:29 EST 2000

From: "Troy Heagy" <troy_heagy at>
Date: 6 Nov 2000 07:24:18 -0700
Lines: 8


If by some miracle all the planets aligned and hell froze over and the 
Sci-Fi Channel decided to renew Crusade.....

What approach would you take?  Would you try and pick up the story where TNT 
prematurely severed it?  Or would you start from scratch with a brand-new 
pilot and different cast?

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 6 Nov 2000 16:27:14 -0700
Lines: 28

First off, you probably shouldn't put a header on like this, it'll get people
unnecessarily excited.  To the second point....
>If by some miracle all the planets aligned and hell froze over and the 
>Sci-Fi Channel decided to renew Crusade.....
>What approach would you take?  Would you try and pick up the story where TNT 
>prematurely severed it?  Or would you start from scratch with a brand-new 
>pilot and different cast?

To me, this is not an intellectual exercise.  If someone said to you, "So, if
by some miracle of fate you and your girlfriend got together again, what would
you do?"  It's an emotional and very personal issue and one doesn't get into
those things unless and until it becomes a reality.


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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