Peter David and JMS: Wow (long)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 8 04:39:16 EST 2000

From: lisa_coulter at
Date: 7 Nov 2000 20:17:24 -0700
Lines: 27

In article <11179-3A07FF2F-7 at>,
  gkarfan at (Tammy Smith) wrote:
> Because of how good Centauri #3 was, I can't wait until Technomage #1!
> Btw, I thought the technomages introduced in the Centauri trilogy were
> interesting.  Will they appear in the Technomage books, JMS?
> Tammy

I have to agree with what Tammy and everyone has said.  Book 3 was
stunning.  Even though I'd seen WWE numerous times it added so much,
without detracting from the B5 story.  I'd also lend my voice to those
who would counsel that even if you've been dissapointed in the previous
novels, this trilogy is a must for a B5 fan.

Along with Tammy's question, jms, I know you said sales would determine
the potential future of more books.  From what I've seen, this one is
really selling.  Any hope there will be more beyond the Technomage set?

Lisa Coulter

Sent via
Before you buy.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 7 Nov 2000 22:45:48 -0700
Lines: 17

>Along with Tammy's question, jms, I know you said sales would determine
>the potential future of more books.  From what I've seen, this one is
>really selling.  Any hope there will be more beyond the Technomage set?

That's entirely up to Del Rey.


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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