ATTN JMS: Opinion on Bush's Win?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 10 05:24:40 EST 2000

From: "Mac Breck" <macbreck at>
Date: 9 Nov 2000 15:23:36 -0700
Lines: 30

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua P. Hill" <joshhill at>
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Opinion on Bush's Win?

> On 9 Nov 2000 09:31:03 -0700, Paul McElligott
> <paul_mcelligott at> wrote:
> >In article <3a0a7923.1575274 at>,
> >  ostensiblyme at (Mark Private) wrote:
> >
> >> That's certainly one possible explanation. But as I understand it,
> >> overvotes aren't all that uncommon. So 19,000 out of 6,000,000 doesn't
> >> seem untoward to me.
> >>
> >
> >Was that 19,000 out of all Florida or just Palm Beach County?  If it's
> >just the county, then yeah, that is out of line.

 According to some other people on this thread they had 14000-15000 thrown
out votes just like this in 1996, so given the increased turnout this year,
it may NOT be out of line for this county.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 9 Nov 2000 21:58:37 -0700
Lines: 24

>According to some other people on this thread they had 14000-15000 thrown
>out votes just like this in 1996, so given the increased turnout this year,
>it may NOT be out of line for this county.

1) Why did they not tell the people of Palm Beach this in 1996 since it's
aberration for the *state* but not for this *county*?

2) WHY were 15,000 thrown out in 1996 in this one county, WHAT makes this so
different from every other county, and WHY did they keep this to themselves
until *right now*?  If you lived in a county and knew that every big election
15-19,000 of your votes wouldn't count, wouldn't YOU want something done to
bring the system THERE into sync with the rest of the state?


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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