ATTN JMS: Opinion on Bush's Win?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 10 05:59:45 EST 2000

From: Brian Stinson <bleestin at>
Date: 9 Nov 2000 21:44:40 -0700
Lines: 60

Here's another comparison for you.

We have one President who when confronted with his past said he was just a
victim of Peer pressure, but it's OK because he didn't inhale.  (Puh-leeze)

On the other hand

We have a Presidential candidate who when confronted with his past said the
reports are accurate, he's not proud of them, and as he's said before, he
wasn't the most responsible young man in his youth.

Which one sounds like he's being candid and responsible to you

"The_Doge of St. Louis" <thedoge at> wrote in message
news:thedoge-0911002149550001 at
> In article <004501c04a98$f05bb400$bfd2c997 at>, "Mac Breck"
> <macbreck at> wrote:
> >> Lisa Coulter
> >>
> >> And the only reason Gore doesn't have a criminal record is that no one
> >> caught him smoking pot, or if they did he managed to get out of it.
> >> Really a moral model.
> >
> >The key words are "getting caught" and it seems that's all that matters
> >anymore.
> >
> >Mac
> Interesting.  One the one hand, we have someone who (allegedly) smoked
> some dope (as vast numbers of us did back then), probably in the privacy
> of his own home, harming nobody except possibly (by a big stretch of
> logic) himself.
> On the other hand, we have a couple of party boys who got tanked up and
> took to the roads in a couple of tons of metal, endangering both
> themselves and anyone unfortunate enough to be on the road with them.  In
> fact, one of them liked doing it so much he got caught at it twice.  Dobbs
> only knows how many times they did it before they got caught.
> And yet the right wing thinks the former is a Heinous Offense Against
> Morality while the latter is No Big Deal.
> Bizarre moral code you guys have there.  Don't try to sell it to M.A.D.D.
> --
> <*> ObQuote:   "Liberty means responsibility; that is why most men dread
>   -- George Bernard Shaw
> ======================================================================
> <*>The_Doge of St. Louis
> Stage, screen, radio

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 Nov 2000 00:02:09 -0700
Lines: 29

>We have a Presidential candidate who when confronted with his past said the
>reports are accurate, he's not proud of them, and as he's said before, he
>wasn't the most responsible young man in his youth.
>Which one sounds like he's being candid and responsible to you

Except he only said it *after* being confronted with the evidence, and *after*
changing his driver's license number to try and HIDE the information.  (Under
Texas law, the only technically legal or legitimate reason for changing the ID
number is in case of identity theft, which no one has ever said was the case

It's real easy to act contrite when you've been caught.  

And this is the same Bush who to this *day* has not given a straight answer to
the drug question.


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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