ATTN JMS: Showtime and sydication...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 5 04:45:26 EDT 2000

From: Dan Wallach <dwallach at>
Date: 4 Oct 2000 14:01:03 -0700
Lines: 27

jms writes:
> Nothing's been set yet as far as I know, again it's way early for
> that kind of conversation.  I do know that we'll probably end up
> shooting 2 versions, one for cable one for syndie for language and
> stuff.

This brings up an interesting question.  At one point during the B5 run, you
posted that you'd suddenly realized you had no network censors between you and
your audience and could therefore get funky with us.

Aside from language issues (e.g., the seven dirty words you can't say on
television), are there significant differences about what you can do, whether
in terms of the classic bugaboos (violence, nudity, sexuality) or harder topics
to quantify (religion, morality, no doubt other stuff as well)?

Meanwhile, if you film two versions, you immediately create debates on which
version is the "canonical" version.  Would you be blanking out the naughty bits
or reshooting scenes to be less naughty?



P.S.  With all these new non-B5 projects, will this newsgroup still be the
place to find and chat with JMS, or do we need to create

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 4 Oct 2000 23:42:10 -0700
Lines: 20

>Aside from language issues (e.g., the seven dirty words you can't say on
>television), are there significant differences about what you can do, whether
>in terms of the classic bugaboos (violence, nudity, sexuality) or harder
>to quantify (religion, morality, no doubt other stuff as well)?

It's *all* on the table.  If you do a show that could just as easily be on
ABC...why put it on Showtime?  I want to take this to the wall.


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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