ATTN: JMS New Showtime Series

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Oct 10 04:36:57 EDT 2000

From: Kevin L Curtis <kevin.Curtis at>
Date: 4 Oct 2000 10:57:36 -0700
Lines: 32

> It appears I was wrong. According to SCI-FI Wire, Variety has just
> released the info:
> Variety identified the pilot being written by Babylon 5 creator J.
> Michael Straczynski for Showtime: Jeremiah, based on a long-running
> European SF comic series of the same name. Straczynski had posted to a
> Babylon 5 newsgroup that he was working on the two-hour pilot, but had
> declined to name it.
> Variety said that the SF pilot from Lions Gate Entertainment will tell
> the story of Earth 15 years after a virus has killed everyone who has
> reached puberty. Joe Dante (Small Soldiers) will executive produce the
> pilot, which could develop into a Showtime series.
> --
> Donate free food with a simple click:
> P=E5l Are Nordal
> a_blip at

I hate to say this, but this sounds similar to an ST:TOS show.  Kirk and =
discover a planet populated by children, who at puberty, develop lesions,
go crazy and die.  This had resulted from bio-engineering life extension
Kevin L Curtis
Did you know that beating your head against a brick wall burns 150 calori=
es an hour?

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 9 Oct 2000 23:24:36 -0700
Lines: 25

>I hate to say this, but this sounds similar to an ST:TOS show.  Kirk and =
>discover a planet populated by children, who at puberty, develop lesions,
>go crazy and die.  This had resulted from bio-engineering life extension

Very different, though.  In the ST episode you're talking about, the problem
was ongoing, and the kids lived for something like a hundred years or so, then
died when they hit puberty.  So nobody was over the "age" of 15.  

In this case, this was a one time only problem, fifteen years ago, so you do
have a lot of characters in their late 20s or older.  It ain't a teen angst


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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