ATTN JMS:IGN (Filmforce) Interview

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Sep 12 04:33:12 EDT 2000

From: kensu at (Chris Schumacher)
Date: 11 Sep 2000 03:36:18 -0700
Lines: 15

On 10 Sep 2000 20:02:37 -0700, jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5) wrote:

>The problem was that apparently, as reported to them by a year-long survey
>they'd commissioned, TNT viewers didn't much care for SF.  When B5 came along,
>the hardcore TNT viewers would tune out, and the B5 viewers would come in.  But
>the average B5 viewer wasn't much interested in what TNT had to offer
>otherwise, so they tuned out at the end and the TNT viewers came back

That's something I've always wondered about; why didn't you try to
pitch Crusade to one of the networks? One would think you'd had enough
clout by them to have them at least consider it.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 11 Sep 2000 15:26:26 -0700
Lines: 22

>That's something I've always wondered about; why didn't you try to
>pitch Crusade to one of the networks? One would think you'd had enough
>clout by them to have them at least consider it.

Wouldn't work.  It's a status thing.  Shows tumble down from network to
syndication or cable, they don't swim upstream from syndie/cable to network. 
Just not done.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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