OT - Not voting...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Sep 16 04:30:58 EDT 2000

From: LK <fountainmdome at yahoo.com>
Date: 15 Sep 2000 10:15:41 -0700
Lines: 47

On 14 Sep 2000 06:15:59 -0700, unltdlife at aol.com (UnltdLife) wrote:

>Many of you have expressed a desire for a "None of the above" category on the
>Presidential ballot.  Many of you have even indicated that you may not vote.
>I'll throw this out for discussion...
>"Not voting is casting a vote for the person you'd least like to see in
>Let the argument ensue.
It's hard not to vote, especially when you've seen newscoverage of
Hatians(?) being gunned down as they stand in line to vote.  (This was
a few years, when the dictatorship was opposing open elections and
sought to prevent people from voting, thus maintain power.)

Not voting sounds like a wimpy excuse for not participating.   One
person does not run the USA.  Congress, governors, state legislators,
county and city governments.  The lack of whatever in Presidential
candiates seems to be an easy out for" why bother?".

We're supposed to have learned something from B5 and that something
wasn't wimping-out against the Shadows or Clark just because Sheridan
and Delenn weren't the people we wanted them to be.

Do any candiates "pass" the "Who are you?" test?   Who do they serve?
What do they want?  Why are they doing this?

Would anyone of them have the courage or potential of courage to face
the abyss and fight through tons of rock because they have something
worth living for?    Minus the public power, can they make good

Do we support their direction of change or do we need to redirect the
changing?   And how much will they trust us as citizens to make our
own decisions on personal issues?

Who BTW thinks Bush's campaign ads about spending $$ on character
education in public schools isn't talking about acting lessons.
That sealed his character as unsavory, for me.  Damn.

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 15 Sep 2000 14:47:17 -0700
Lines: 21

>It's hard not to vote, especially when you've seen newscoverage of
>Hatians(?) being gunned down as they stand in line to vote.  (This was
>a few years, when the dictatorship was opposing open elections and
>sought to prevent people from voting, thus maintain power.)

Voting is the absolute, bare minimum requirement for being a citizen.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
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