[B5JMS] ATTN: JMS B5 audio improvements?

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Aug 30 04:26:48 EDT 2001

From: Matthew Zenkar <wiyosaya at rochester.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 02:06:06 GMT
Lines: 28

I am sure the I speak for more than mysel when I say that we
appreciate having the teapot scene in MotFL corrected (though it does
seem that some actually miss the teapot :-) ), I am somewhat
disappointed that the quality of the audio seems still poor. For this
run of "Soul Hunter," the scratchy fuzzy stuff was still very evident,
and the surround effects on MotFL were not that noticable though the
sound was not fuzzy.

I have my concerns that if the DVDs of B5 have audio as poor as this,
sales will be lost. I hate to put it this way, but I, for one, am not
willing to pay for something that is little, if any, improved audio
wise over what I have taped from Sci-Fi.

I would not be surprised if you are somewhat tired of hearing about
this, but I thought you would like to know that the audio is still
poor in some episodes. Perhaps you will be able to intercede in the
production of the DVDs before its too late.

Do you know whether there is any of the "this time around episodes"
that have had the audio remastered?

All the best,

If this gets posted, it is because I registered with the group before
I changed my account to a different e-mail address. To reach me via
e-mail, remove everything after "wiyo" and before the at symbol.

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 Aug 2001 18:32:04 GMT
Lines: 14

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