[B5JMS] ATTN JMS: Eilerson in Memory of War.

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Fri Feb 9 04:22:28 EST 2001

From: kensu at madison.tdsnet.com (Chris Schumacher)
Date: 8 Feb 2001 09:04:54 -0700
Lines: 34

Hey Joe, 
There was something I've been wondering about regarding The Memory of
War. Near the end of the episode there is this part where one of the
virus-infected crew-members is breaking down the door to Max's room;
he's crouched in the corner with a PPG, and at one point he leans
forward and grabs some sort of pouch from the table and holds his
close to his chest.
I'm wondering; was this in the script, or was this improvised on the
set? Was there something to this?
I suppose I might be reading too much into this but, after all, there
is a clue to Garibaldi being an alchoholic in The Gathering that is so
well hidden that you only notice if you know what you're looking for.

On another note, I'd just like to congratulate you on the character of
Max Eilerson. Aside from Evan Chen, I think Eilerson was the thing
that people tended to complain about most while Crusade was airing.
I always liked the character because he reminded me of myself, and
more importantly because he was more true-to-life than most of the
characters that we tend to see in fiction. If people could see
themselves as they truly were, I think they'd tend to give Eilerson
more of a break.
I think that you were on the verge of doing something that was on the
same level as G'Kar or Londo, but would be more meaningful because the
character was human, and there was no impediment to understanding.
Heh, who would've thought that "Appearences and Other Deceits" was
referring directly to everyone's favorite pain-in-the-ass.

Anyway, I'm babbling, but it's just that no one has yet said this,
that I can tell, and I want you to know that your work has been
appreciated in that regard. I hope that you get an opportunity to
finish it.


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 8 Feb 2001 16:27:11 -0700
Lines: 24

>virus-infected crew-members is breaking down the door to Max's room;
>he's crouched in the corner with a PPG, and at one point he leans
>forward and grabs some sort of pouch from the table and holds his
>close to his chest.
>I'm wondering; was this in the script, or was this improvised

It was improvised...basically, David figured he'd want to have his stuff with
him if all hell broke loose.

>On another note, I'd just like to congratulate you on the character of
>Max Eilerson.

Thanks, he was actually quite a hoot to write.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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