[B5JMS] from jms: a few quick items

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Feb 14 04:42:29 EST 2001

From: christian at jasdigital.com (Christian Smith)
Date: 13 Feb 2001 15:52:10 -0700
Lines: 59

On 13 Feb 2001 08:09:19 -0700,jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5) wrote 

>On the topic of comics...I will be writing a one-off B5 Graphic Novel for
>Wildstorm that will debut later this year.  I figure on writing it as soon as I
>get out from under my current deadlines.
excellent. Will this be part of continuity of the show? Is it
something you've now planned for this or something that might come
"out of storage". the story of the Telepath War maybe?
the words "Graphic Novel" sound good. Makes me a bit more hopeful than
a simple "trade paperback" if you know what i mean?

Do the B5 rights still hold with DC then (they own Wildstorm right?)
because they are a WB company? I was surprised that it wasn't under
the Top Cow imprint when you said it. But then I don't really know how
the licensing thing works so....

Oh and *thanks so much*. Just had to buy yet MORE comics to get me up
to date on Midnight Nation after hearing such great things. I thought
I could give them up completely after dropping X-men. Then I read
"Born In Fire". And bought  loads of RS to get me current.
Now I'm into MN. (when's #5 out?)

Just out of interest, in those free 2 1/2 minutes each week <g> are
there any comics you read?

BTW, If anyone is looking for back issues of RS or MN, try
www.monstermart.com VERY inexpensive, a full range of back issues and
VERY prompt (4 days to deliver, ordering on Xmas eve!!) about $2-50
per issue apart from a few of the specials like 0 and 1/2 etc.

>And finally...yes, it's true, B5 will be coming out on DVD starting with The
>Gathering and In the Beginning, to be released in July.  The series will start
>soon thereafter.  I've been going over the artwork and related issues for WB
>Home Video, and though at this time there's no supplementary material involved,
>at least as far as I know, it should be pretty cool.  (Don't know yet which
>aspect ratio they'll be using, but my *guess* would be widescreen, now that WB
>is correcting the earlier versions.)

I'm not sure about releasing ItB first (what with the big spoilers for
s3/4  in it, but I can see why. 
Personally i'd like to wait a little longer , pay a little more and
get box sets (like the X-Files over here in the UK) of season by
season, and then a box of the movies, then a Crusade box, rather than
having to go through the arduous task of getting individual disks for
3-5 episodes.
Any idea on how it might be released?

See Jeri Ryan at Supernova-Retribution. www.supernova-conventions.com

"Every new beginning is some other beginnings end..."

ICQ 45494039
(E_Mail: Remove "NOSPAM" from e-mail address when replying)

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 13 Feb 2001 20:13:41 -0700
Lines: 38

>Will this be part of continuity of the show? Is it
>something you've now planned for this or something that might come
>"out of storage". the story of the Telepath War maybe?

I think I'd like to do something in continuity with the series, so that it
feels like an unproduced episode...but I haven't decided yet, and don't want to
go too far down that road until I've talked more to the guys at Wildstorm. 
They've been great in all this, they initiated the project, and I want to be
sure that welcome is treated properly.

>Do the B5 rights still hold with DC then (they own Wildstorm right?)
>because they are a WB company? I was surprised that it wasn't under
>the Top Cow imprint when you said it. But then I don't really know how
>the licensing thing works so....

WB owns the rights, which reverted after DC stopped doing the books.  They'd
rather not go to an outside company for political reasons.

>Oh and *thanks so much*. Just had to buy yet MORE comics to get me up
>to date on Midnight Nation after hearing such great things. I thought
>I could give them up completely after dropping X-men. Then I read
>"Born In Fire". And bought  loads of RS to get me current.
>Now I'm into MN. (when's #5 out?)

Good timing.  Midnight Nation #5 comes out tomorrow.  Get this one, it's a real


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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