[B5JMS] ATTN JMS: SciFi airing B5 movies.

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Fri Feb 16 04:42:47 EST 2001

From: "Alan Coleman Waltrip" <awaltrip at cableone.net>
Date: 15 Feb 2001 21:18:39 -0700
Lines: 36

I'm a newbie to the series (just started watching it on SciFi back in
September). I curious as to why SciFi channel decided to air the 4 movies
when they did. They originally back when season 2 was going on. I
unknowingly watched "In the Beginning", which ruined an entire season 4
episode for me because I knew what happened ("Atonement", I believe it was
called). "Thirdspace" and the rest aired soon after, and I stayed away from
them as to not be spoiled (I did record them though for later viewing). I've
now seen "Thirdspace" but not the other two movies.

So now, this week, SciFi has aired the last three movies. I can understand
them airing "Thirdspace" since we're way past the point in the series it
takes place in, but "River of Souls" on Wednesday and "A Call to Arms" on
Thursday just baffle me. They could wait three weeks or so to air them in
order with the series, but instead they are confusing more viewers, I'm
sure... According to SciFi's webpage, "In the Beginning" will air before the
series begins it's run again in March, which ruins all of the mystery about
season one for any new viewers who might not know not to watch.

My question is, do you have any say in these things? Does it bother you as
much as it does myself? Anything you can do to prevent something like that
happening in the future (though it might not matter after it's initial

Just curious,

PS - I've been reading "Rising Stars" (up to #10) and "Midnight Nation" (up
to #5), and I have to applaud you in your work. You've made me interested in
comics again, something I haven't been since Superman 'died' ten or so years
ago. I stopped because things got to commercial, Superman was up to four or
five titles a month that covered the same storyline. All the other series
soon joined: X-Men, even Spawn eventually. Anyways, I say bravo to you, sir.
I can't wait to see what you can do with Spider Man...

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 15 Feb 2001 21:48:58 -0700
Lines: 37

>My question is, do you have any say in these things? Does it bother you as
>much as it does myself?

No, I have zero input into broadcast schedules.  Sometimes it bothers me more
than other times when things get aired out in a whacky order.

>PS - I've been reading "Rising Stars" (up to #10) and "Midnight Nation" (up
>to #5), and I have to applaud you in your work. You've made me interested in
>comics again, something I haven't been since Superman 'died' ten or so years

Thanks.  (Yeah, I kinda gave up on Supes for a while after John Byrne got his
hands on him.  My Superman went out the door after Alan Moore did "Whatever
Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" which is probably the best book ever written
with that character, and which puts to the lie the assertion that there was
nothing more interesting that could be done with him.)

It's fun playing in this field....

>I can't wait to see what you can do with Spider Man...

I can tell you one small thing...and it's something I won't be pulling out for
a few issues..there's something that nobody's dared to do with the character
before, but which fans have been speculating about and wondering about for over
thirty years.  So suffice to say I have something rather major in mind....


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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