Anxiously awaiting Midnight Nation #5

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jan 30 04:25:48 EST 2001

From: Jefferson Eng <jeffreys at>
Date: 29 Jan 2001 18:01:51 -0700
Lines: 11

Noticed that the new issue hasn't come out yet since at least December.  I
wonder if something is being held up at the printing end.

For that matter, when's Rising Stars #13 out?
Jefferson Eng

"Oh, give me a clone of my very own with the Y chromosome changed for the X
 And we'll stay at home where we'll be alone and we'll think about nothing 
	but sex." -- Isaac Asimov

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 Jan 2001 20:13:52 -0700
Lines: 29

>Noticed that the new issue hasn't come out yet since at least December.  I
>wonder if something is being held up at the printing end.

I've just today approved the last of the colored pages on Midnight Nation 5,
and I think this is the strongest issue to date.  It gives you a preview of
what's coming down the road (again my tendency to show you what's coming at the
end, but you don't know the context) and it's just completely kickass,
especially the artwork, which is impressive as all hell.

I think it'll be out in a couple of weeks.  Keep an eye out for it, it's a good

>For that matter, when's Rising Stars #13 out?

Same deal here, the last of the colored pages came through on Friday, so it
should be out in a few weeks.


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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