[B5JMS] Did JMS Blow Himself Up in SiL?!

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Mar 7 01:48:16 EST 2001

From: "Shaz" <hypatia at Dial.pipex.com>
Date: 1 Mar 2001 09:14:51 -0700
Lines: 51

"Herranen Henrik" <leopold at assari.cc.tut.fi> wrote in message
news:vmyhf1d5y4e.fsf at assari.cc.tut.fi...
Pål Are Nordal <a_blip at bigfoot.com> writes:
> > >> For any first-time viewers, the following contains a biggie spoiler
> > >> Sleeping in Light, so be warned!

>>NOTT. what if jms did'nt make it then he woud be DEAD, that woud be very
>>bad. because tehn it is a IMPOSTER whos write teh mesgges here!!!!!!!!!

>Not at all; actually rather vice versa: we know a maan looking a _lot_
>like JMS will be alive and looking not older than 60 years or so in
>2281. Isn't that _great_ news?

Given Joe was in his fifties when he filmed that and we've got another
thread about how young Bester looks considering his age?

Poor Joe!

Mind you, looking at the pictures of him from the start of the show and the
end, and the amount he fitted into that time, I've decided he's got a time
machine and he's just not told any of us. He's actually 20 years older than
his birth certificate claims!

<g, d, rlh!>


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 1 Mar 2001 16:35:10 -0700
Lines: 27

>Given Joe was in his fifties when he filmed that and we've got another
>thread about how young Bester looks considering his age?

HEY!  I'm only 46 and a half, here.  I know I *look* a lot older, but that's
because a) I've come down a hard road, and b) B5 took it out of me.

Before I started on B5, you can see video interviews with me...I had more hair,
and there wasn't a gray hair anywhere IN there.  Five years later, the top was
gone and what was left was almost totally gray.

So when that was filmed, I was, what? 43?

Fifties indeed.



(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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