[B5JMS] Administrivia: list migration

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Mar 7 02:28:48 EST 2001

This is a message from one of the maintainers of B5JMS.  Yes, that means I
now have several people to help me maintain this list.

I've completed the migration of the B5JMS list to the Mailman list manager.
All subscriptions have been moved, as well as past archives.  New messages
should be on their way to you.  The B5JMS Web page has links to the new
list's Web page (so you can manage your account, search the archives, etc.)
Check out the "List Information" section in


If you have any problems with the list, check the Web page and your own
subscription.  It tells you what to do, where to get information, and who to
email for help.

One important change that you will all notice is that you will be getting
monthly reminders of your subscriptions: this includes your account password
(which you can change) for managing your subscription options.  The password
is there to provide some guarantees that only you manage your account, and
no one else.

I've made every effort to configure the updated list to prevent spammers
from trivially picking up email addresses.

Erez Zadok.
Maintainer, B5JMS list.
Email: b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu
WWW:   http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~ezk/b5jms/

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