[B5JMS] Attn: JMS Promotion

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Mar 22 04:23:09 EST 2001

From: Kailin Yu <kailin at attglobal.net>
Date: 21 Mar 2001 08:38:42 -0700
Lines: 44

OK, going to fit a few questions in, if I can. First off, you mention
this new project is in pre-production now, with filming to begin in
mid-May, well before the possible SAG strike. So, when might this strike
happen, and how much leeway between needed filming time and this looming
date? Secondly, with the rather odd seasons that cable goes for, seen
most recently on Sci-Fi with the Farscape season premiere just last
Friday, when might this pilot movie make it on the air? 

General timeline questions. Filming starts in Mid-May, ideally, how long
for filming, how long for post-production of a movie, and how long with
the SFC hold onto it before putting it on the air? 

Now, the question I have to ask, even though it's been brought up
before, I can't help myself, so please be patient with me. Would you and
your wife like to come to Agamemcon this year June 8-10? I know you have
said you like the fact that Agamemcon focuses on everyone involved in
making B5 and Crusade, and you don't want to rain on their parade, but
with this great news, we could have such a fun party. Look at the
timing, wrap party comes to mind. Or the perfect opportunity for SFC to
get some decent promotion in, or to just have a raging party with all
the loyal B5 fans who have been showing up the past few years. This
invitation is extended to everyone involved in this project, SFC, WB,
whomever, come on down and I'll set aside some brownies and cookies. Ask
anyone, I run a good con suite, lots of baked goods. Yeah, I know you
may be super busy then, and your previous views are known and
understood, but I still think you have to see one of our room parties in
action. OK, this ends the self serving portion of this broadcast, but I
hope you understand I just had to ask, especially after the good news
that was announced today. 

BTW, congratulations, things sound just peachy right now. 
Peace, Love and Rock & Roll,

A science fiction convention.

"May the Goddess whisper your name on the wind."
			Pa'u Zotah Zhaan

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 21 Mar 2001 19:52:12 -0700
Lines: 42

>First off, you mention
>this new project is in pre-production now, with filming to begin in
>mid-May, well before the possible SAG strike. So, when might this strike
>happen, and how much leeway between needed filming time and this looming

Writer's strike (if it happens) would be triggered on May 2nd, which is why the
script has to be totally finalized before then.  The actor's strike (ditto)
would take place July 1st.  We'd be finished well before this.

>Secondly, with the rather odd seasons that cable goes for, seen
>most recently on Sci-Fi with the Farscape season premiere just last
>Friday, when might this pilot movie make it on the air? 

Airdate hasn't been finalized yet.

>Filming starts in Mid-May, ideally, how long
>for filming, how long for post-production of a movie, and how long with
>the SFC hold onto it before putting it on the air? 

General rule of thumb for any kind of TV movie: 8 weeks prep, 6 weeks post,
anywhere from 17-24 days shooting.  Any network can hold any show for as long
as they want, though the longer they hold said show, the more difficult it
becomes to hold cast, crew, sets, stages.

>Would you and
>your wife like to come to Agamemcon this year June 8-10?

At this point, I'm only doing one con this year, San Diego Comic Con, though
the invitation is of course much appreciated.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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