[B5JMS] Attn JMS: Norman Corwin books?

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Fri Mar 30 04:22:45 EST 2001

From: chaser32468 at cs.com (ChaseR32468)
Date: 29 Mar 2001 21:34:31 -0700
Lines: 25



I'll try not to 'sound' too much like an idiot.  I've been lurking for long
enough to know I should try to avoid being Gharlane bait.

I would not list that at all except that I am a writer (two short stories
published so far) and your work has inflenced my mine greatly.  As such you are
a bit of a hero to me, and I confess to being a bit weak-kneed at the thought
of writing to you.

I have been studying collections of your posts through the Babylon 5 production
process and I noticed you mentioning Norman Corwin as one of YOUR major
influences.  My local library does not have any of his works, so I must find
the books to buy.

Not being able to buy an entire collection in one sitting, are there any of his
works you would recommend to start with?  That I should look for in particular?

Thanks for your attention, and my apologies to the newsgroup if this is too far

Richard Chase

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 30 Mar 2001 00:01:11 -0700
Lines: 48

>I would not list that at all except that I am a writer (two short stories
>published so far) and your work has inflenced my mine greatly.  As such you
>a bit of a hero to me, and I confess to being a bit weak-kneed at the thought
>of writing to you.

Sometime at a convention remind me to tell about how I was when I first met
Kirk Douglas.  Or Norman Corwin, of whom you speak later....

>I have been studying collections of your posts through the Babylon 5
>process and I noticed you mentioning Norman Corwin as one of YOUR major
>influences.  My local library does not have any of his works, so I must find
>the books to buy.

Most of Norman's books are out of print at this point in time, though some can
be found on Ebay.  

My best recommendation to you is to go to the following site:


This site has some of his most seminal work in radio drama available for sale,
ranging from very early to very recent; you can also purchase his scripts to
some of these productions.

Understand that Norman is a writer's writer.  He has a mastery of language and
image and dialogue that is utterly beyond anything I could ever hope to
achieve.  This is a man who has been a primal source of inspiration for people
like Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Ray Bradbury, Charles Kuralt, Carl
Reiner, Rod Serling and hundreds of others.

I would particularly recommend to you "13 by Corwin" and "On a Note of

He is a poet, a statesman, an asker of questionsk, a modern Jeremiah...trust me
on this one: without exaggeration, he's one of the best writers of the 20th
(and still going in the 21st) century.

(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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