[B5JMS] Attn JMS: OT- Rising Stars (spoilers for RS#14)

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Tue May 1 04:23:25 EDT 2001

From: Patrick MARCEL <manticor at wanadoo.fr>
Date: 29 Apr 2001 20:57:34 -0700
Lines: 46

jms said:

>> One teeny weeny peeve, though: I know this is an American comic book written
>> by an American mostly for Americans, but I find it slightly awkward that
>> "changing the world" starts with two examples which are just covering
>> American interests. There might have been more of a global feel to those
>> new-found RS goals if the mission in Greece hadn't struck at terrorists
>> targeting *American* interests.

> So you're saying (in reference to the first example which you don't cite,
> regarding torching cocaine fields) that cocaine isn't a problem in France?

Well, cocaine *is* a problem in France, all drugs are a problem everywhere,
although not to the extent it seems to be in the States. The violent crime
rate related to drugs is fairly small, over here. Which gives me the feeling
that putting coca fields on top of the list is a bit of an American agenda.

But I specifically didn't mention that first example for a few reasons: I'm
just waiting to see which direction this goes in. I don't mind seeing coca
fields torched, but I want to know how this is going to change the world.
It's a bit like stopping bank robberies all over the planet. Public safety
will certainly benefit, but I'm not sure the world itself is going to be
terribly altered by it.

And let's assume all coca fields are destroyed. Will the addicts stop taking
drugs, or will they turn to other drugs? And will there be a time where the
RS have to torch vineyards, distilleries and tobacco fields?

Bad as those crops are, there are whole economies built around them. Of
course, it's all right when it happens to South American countries: serve
the scoundrels right for poisoning us in the first place! But what of the
vineyards, distilleries and tobacco fields I mentioned earlier? Where does
one stop? Aren't there questions the RS aren't asking themselves? Wouldn't
it make more sense to try and tackle the problem at the root, wherever that
may be?

It seems to me changing the world is an enormous can of worms, and I'm just
waiting to see how the RS are going to deal with it.


Reason is only a drug, and its effects cannot be permanent.
                             - Hope Mirrlees -

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 30 Apr 2001 22:12:50 -0700
Lines: 29

>And let's assume all coca fields are destroyed. Will the addicts stop taking
>drugs, or will they turn to other drugs? And will there be a time where the
>RS have to torch vineyards, distilleries and tobacco fields?
>Bad as those crops are, there are whole economies built around them. Of
>course, it's all right when it happens to South American countries: serve
>the scoundrels right for poisoning us in the first place! But what of the
>vineyards, distilleries and tobacco fields I mentioned earlier? Where does
>one stop? Aren't there questions the RS aren't asking themselves? Wouldn't
>it make more sense to try and tackle the problem at the root, wherever that
>may be?
>It seems to me changing the world is an enormous can of worms, and I'm just
>waiting to see how the RS are going to deal with it.

Which is in large measure exactly the problem we'll be driving toward.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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