[B5JMS] OT: J. Michael fan

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Tue May 8 04:23:46 EDT 2001

From: galadriel3142 at hotmail.com
Date: 6 May 2001 21:35:51 -0700
Lines: 11

>Congratulations on your first JMS response.
>Cool, huh?

Hello Jan. Yes, very cool. Writer, teacher, producer AND world-class gentleman. 


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 7 May 2001 14:59:01 -0700
Lines: 14

>Writer, teacher, producer AND world-class gentleman. 

Also a really good floor wax and paint thinner.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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