[B5JMS] ATTN JMS: I want your secret

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Aug 8 04:24:34 EDT 2002

From: Yu Kai-lin <yukailin at earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 21:55:16 GMT
Lines: 71

Jms at B5 wrote:
> Also working a con takes a lot out of me; this weekend, as is usual, I lost 5
> pounds between when I arrived and when I left,

I wish I was so lucky, but I think I pretty much stayed exactly the
same. Must have been all the junk food I ate all weekend. 

 just from sheer running around,
> signing, the multiple panels (SDCC said I was the hardest working con guest
> there this year with the most panels/presentations)

I believe your wife told me the same thing on Sunday when you guys
visited the WETA group in the LOTR pavillion, and from the looks of your
schedule, I think you were the hardest working panelist. 

For myself as a dealer, I packed up the van on Tuesday morning full of
books, drove to San Diego from Westwood, unloaded the van at the con,
checked into the hotel and brought the luggage up. Then set up the booth
on Wed., took two hours to tour the Star of India, worked preview night
at the bookselling booth and at the LOTR pavillion, then went out for
late dinner. Then there was four more days of running between the
bookselling booth and the LOTR pavillion, the occasional autograph
signing, all the LOTR panels (and I did all this running around with a
large, very full book bag on my shoulder, which is still bruised), and
then the logistical nightmare of trying to get friends down to the con
on Thursday with that wonderful Sig Alert in Oceanside. Anyhow, after
Sunday closed, there was the packing up of the booth, loading of the
van, and the drive back to Westwood by 11pm, not bad this year, last
year it was 1am. Unloaded the van on Monday, after being comatose for 12
hours. I have no idea why I didn't lose weight myself, but it might have
been all that extra chocolate I ate, my bad. 

...I put a lot of effort into
> these things because I'm always worried somebody will come all the way from
> across country and not get his/her money's worth.  I did a rough count and
> during the signing alone on Saturday I think I signed something like 3,000
> autographs in two hours, though I really had to slam through them all to get it
> done and didn't have as much time as I'd've liked to chat.

This hectic schedule you were on was why I felt bad about pestering you
to visit the WETA guys. I knew they wanted to meet you, and I knew they
were also very busy, but Daniel found the time to go to one of your
panels. It was so funny to see how excited he was when you finally did
turn up at the booth, and the fact that he brought his Gathering/In the
Beginning DVD all the way from New Zealand made me realize that even
though the WETA guys helped make a brilliant movie, they are just as
much fan geeks as the rest of us. 

> >Congratulations on winning the Eisner!

And another congrats on that win. 

Peace, Love and Rock & Roll,


"I would have followed you my Brother, my Captain, my King."
			Boromir, a Son of Gondor

"When hell freezes over, can we all play hockey there?"

"May the Goddess whisper your name on the wind."
			Pa'u Zotah Zhaan

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 08 Aug 2002 02:38:08 GMT
Lines: 24

>This hectic schedule you were on was why I felt bad about pestering you
>to visit the WETA guys. I knew they wanted to meet you, and I knew they
>were also very busy, but Daniel found the time to go to one of your
>panels. It was so funny to see how excited he was when you finally did
>turn up at the booth, and the fact that he brought his Gathering/In the
>Beginning DVD all the way from New Zealand made me realize that even
>though the WETA guys helped make a brilliant movie, they are just as
>much fan geeks as the rest of us. 

Thanks for doing it, though.  They'd really like to find something we can do
together, and I'm in the same boat, it'd be great to work on something, so
we'll see what we shall see.  It'd be cool, since we're both lovers of sagas,
to see what we could come up with when we combine resources.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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