[B5JMS] OT Super hero questions

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Sat Feb 16 04:24:01 EST 2002

From: "Anna Hayward, Alien Visitor" <Anna at ratbag.demon.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 23:30:01 +0000
Lines: 46

Hi Everyone,
while there is no B5 on our UK screens (for anyone who isn't severely
insomniac and can find Crusade hidden in the schedules), I've been
enjoying re-runs of the Superman series. I've always loved Superheros,
by the way, which is why I like Rising Stars.

Part of the fun is asking the questions that have no answers ;o) Here's
a few things that keep me awake at night ("Why doesn't Lois notice that
Clark Kent is Superman" is not one of them, although it has often been
asked. My personal vote is for that condition whereby you can't
recognise faces... or voices):

* How did his mum buy the cloth for his costume without arousing

* Where does Clark Kent buy his spectacles, given that they are
presumably plain glass?

* Why doesn't anyone notice that Clark never works out, even though it
would be impossible to have a body like that without doing so? And if he
doesn't work out, why would he bother waxing his chest and back? (and
who helps him with the back?)

* How can Clark Kent Brylcream his hair back to turn into Superman, and
how does he get the Brylcream out again to turn back into Clark? 

* Where does Superman keep his wallet?

* How come Lois is always seen eating chocolate, ice-cream, croisants
etc. and manages to be skinny as a rake? And why does she sleep with
full make-up on?

* How come Lois is in love with Superman, and not Clark (initially),
even though Superman looks like a plonker and Clark is stonking?

Enquiring minds want to know.

P.S. Sorry this is neither JMS not B5 related, but we're getting
desperate here in Angles-land.
Anna Hayward, Alien Visitor
The alt.support.autism FAQ is at 

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Feb 2002 05:39:27 GMT
Lines: 35

>* How did his mum buy the cloth for his costume without arousing

It came from the swaddling clothes he had with him in the rocket from Krypton. 
Ma Kent had him use heat vision to cut the threads.

>* Where does Clark Kent buy his spectacles, given that they are
>presumably plain glass?

They were made from the same rocket.

>* Why doesn't anyone notice that Clark never works out, even though it
>would be impossible to have a body like that without doing so? And if he
>doesn't work out, why would he bother waxing his chest and back? (and
>who helps him with the back?)

Actually the new Clark does some of that just to ease suspicion.

>* Where does Superman keep his wallet?

In the pouch of his cape, which is also where he keeps his CK clothes when he
has to change on the fly.

I have no life and I must scream.

(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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