[B5JMS] From the list admin: A small change

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Tue Feb 19 18:31:14 EST 2002

Ladies and Gentlebeings, 

As JMS has mentioned in his past postings, he is working in the comics field
as well as television.  Accordingly, he infrequently posts in the Marvel
Comics forum regarding the Amazing Spiderman comic, and we (the admin) have
received requests to include these posts in the B5JMS list.

Over the past two months, the admin of this list have been monitoring the
Marvel forum and have discovered a grand total of about 9 posts (or less),
the majority of which occured at the beginning of January.  Searches on
DejaNews leads us to believe that this is a little higher than average for
the JMS traffic on the Marvel forum.  As a result, we feel that forwarding
these posts as well as those from the B5 forum will provide a nice addition
to our list without adding much more traffic.

There will be a brief flurry of posts forwarded from the Marvel forum -
those 9 or less posts that I mentioned above.  After the initial 'catch up'
phase, the posts from the comic forum will be infrequent.  Those initial
posts should be showing up in the late afternoon (US time) on Wednesday,
February 20th.

We feel that adding the JMS-comics posts to the B5JMS list provides the
value of more JMS-project information without requiring you to go through
the hassle of subscribing to more lists.  Additional lists means more 
potential errors for us to fix, more places for you to have to keep track of 
your addresses, and more aggravation in general for both the users and the 
admin.  Also, making a list that will carry approximately one post every 
three weeks seems like a remarkable waste of resources!

After lengthy discussion, the admin reached the conclusion that the B5JMS
list is predominately a place for information about JMS projects to be
disseminated.  As a result, we feel the comics information is appropriate to
send on.  We also realize that Jeremiah will likely generate more discussion
once it starts on March 3rd and that conclusion means we will carry any
Jermemiah responses JMS makes.  Once the Legend of the Rangers (hopefully)  
becomes a series, the resulting posts will also be added to the overall

Anyone who finds the number of individual posts overwhelming once Jeremiah
and B5:LotR discussions begin may find switching to 'digest' mode helpful.  
Digests collect all of the list posts and then send them in one email with a
table of contents.  They are sent only when the size of the collection
reaches or exceeds 40k in size.  The information that comes with your
regular password reminder will include the URL you need to make those
changes.  Alternately, the admin can mail you a help file with instructions.

As a final reminder, the B5JMS list is (and will remain) a closed list.  
This means that only the list moderators may post to the list itself.  If 
you would like to respond to anything JMS writes, PLEASE post it to the 
appropriate newsgroup.  JMS does not read this list, and any mail sent to 
this list will be deleted.

We hope that you, the readers of the B5JMS list, enjoy the posts that are 
forwarded to you.  As always, if you have suggestions for improving the 
list, you may reach us in email through b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu .  
Responses to this mail should go to that address - if they come to me 
directly, I will forward them on to the rest of the admin.

Thank you. 

  on behalf of the B5JMS list admin.

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