[B5JMS] ATTN JMS: A question about Minbari beds.

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Sun Jan 27 04:23:29 EST 2002

From: b5merlen at aol.com (B5 Merlen)
Date: 26 Jan 2002 01:15:45 GMT
Lines: 77

Appologies if you've already addressed this issue. I tried looking through all
the posts about the B5:Legend of the Rangers movie and may have missed it. Even
though many of the posts have some negative comments, I still hope SciFi
Channel is aware of the shear volume of bytes sacrificed in the name of this
excellent movie.

I'm putting some spoiler space in here because I know some people haven't seen
the movie, yet, and would send the Narn Bat Squad after me. :)






Okay. That should be good.

Ironically, I'm not having a problem. I briefly wondered about it but I saw a
reason for it. Shortly after the movie, I had a couple people email me to ask
me about it. I told them what I thought and they seemed to buy it... until
other people started asking the same question on message boards. I gave my
thoughts there and it's been ignored.  So, I'm going to the man who knows all.
That way, I can let them know what the real answer is. I'm also curious if I'm
right. :)

During the run of Babylon 5 and also in the books which you have certified as
canon, all Minbari beds have been at an angle. I think Delenn even tells
Sheridan in one episode that Minbari believe sleeping horizontal is tempting
fate. Ivanova and Lennier both were put on beds that (until Marcus changed it
for Ivanova) aren't horizontal even though they were severely or motally
injured. So people are wondering how come, when Dulann is lying in medbay, the
bed is horizontal. It couldn't be because of human influence since I believe
the Liandra was built before those pesky humans could stick their noses in.

As I mentioned, I could guess since I think I saw the reason. However, as I've
had pointed out to me, I'm only guessing. You, on the other hand, would know
the answer.

Thanks ahead of time. If you've already answered this intrigueing question,
just tell me to open my eyes and direct me where to look.

Take Care and Stay Frosty,

Marcus, "(refer to Kosh) Now, Now, next thing you'll be saying is he's NOT
Merlin. Merlin was a great teacher you know." 
Franklin, "I am not hearing this." 
Marcus, "They say he aged backward. That was how he was able to foretell the
future by remembering it. Which means he came from the future. Maybe he had
Arthur form the round table by remembering us. We're forming one of our own
after all. Which makes you Perceval. I'm Galahad, him being sinless and all.
Sheridan as Arthur. Ivanova perhaps Gawain. I think we both know who Mordred
is. So the question is: Who is Morgan Le Fay?" 

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 Jan 2002 06:15:56 GMT
Lines: 57

>During the run of Babylon 5 and also in the books which you have certified as
>canon, all Minbari beds have been at an angle. I think Delenn even tells
>Sheridan in one episode that Minbari believe sleeping horizontal is tempting
>fate. Ivanova and Lennier both were put on beds that (until Marcus changed it
>for Ivanova) aren't horizontal even though they were severely or motally
>injured. So people are wondering how come, when Dulann is lying in medbay,
>bed is horizontal. It couldn't be because of human influence since I believe
>the Liandra was built before those pesky humans could stick their noses in.

It wasn't at an angle because it isn't a bed for sleeping in.  It's a medical
examining tube.  Take a look...half of his body is inside the tube, there's a
scanner above him that runs the length of body inside the tube (it's what David
leans against in one of the scenes)...there are three such tubes in that room. 
It's more like an iron lung in that sense (though clearly more advanced).

A person may fall asleep in one of the tubes, but it isn't a bed for sleeping. 
You don't want to go upending patients who may be critically wounded; I can't
imagine who would try and apply a sleeping custom to a medical procedure 

That's just common sense.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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