[B5JMS] Smith to pen AMS; JMS to launch new Spidey comic

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Mon May 13 04:47:29 EDT 2002

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From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 08 May 2002 05:28:16 GMT

>What I don't get is, in the past, (i.e. silver age and back) writers and
>artists could produce not just ONE title and get it out on time, but
>SEVERAL.  Granted not all were their best work but the fact remains that
>todays writer/artists should really be able to churn out ONE book a
>month, as this is all many (JMS, KS) are asked to do.

Well, that and write 2 other books for Top Cow, write a movie for MGM, write
and produce a TV series for Showtime...it ain't like I'm sitting around eating
bon-bons here....

That said: Let's set the record straight here, shall we?  I've been writing and
selling professionally for 30 years.  During that time, prior to last year, I
could count the times I've missed a deadline on one hand.  That's it.  In 200
TV episodes, 3 published novels, 500 published articles and short
stories...five examples.  In 30 years.

Last year I fell off the face of the earth and got slammed by the worst patch
of work I've ever faced.  The thing about writing is that you put a lot of
things out there knowing that only about 1 in 10 ever gets picked up.  When
several happen at once, it's great but it kills you.  I explained the situation
to Marvel and they said it's okay, take the extra time.  They would rather have
the book done *right* than done Tuesday.

So there was a bit of a slowdown on this one front, because if an issue is a
week late, it's a week late, no serious harm to Marvel (in fact, resoliciations
sometimes went up from original figures).  It had to be that way because if you
fall behind on a TV series, it's $125,000 per day down the tubes.  I had to
make the responsible decision on where to slow down for a bit.

SInce then, I have not only been delivering on time, in the last 6 weeks alone
I have turned in 3 full scripts for ASM -- that's one every 2 weeks, boys and
girls -- and I expect to keep that up for the next month or so to get really
ahead of schedule.

So in this discussion, let's *try* to have a little persepective, shall we?  


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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