[B5JMS] ASM Question for JMS

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Sun May 19 04:29:10 EDT 2002

From: "Neh Fets" <abc at 123.com>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 22:50:38 +1000
Lines: 14

Question for J Michael S,

I apprecaite the thread of explaining the lateness of the ASM comics.

Just wondering exactly how much creative control over ASM do u have? It just
seemed the "Shade" was a forced super-villian. (How many drug dealers have

I do hope u "fix" up the MJ storyline after it was brutally ripped to shreds
by the previous writer.


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 46
Date: 19 May 2002 06:38:11 GMT

>Just wondering exactly how much creative control over ASM do u have? It just
>seemed the "Shade" was a forced super-villian. (How many drug dealers have

Of course you're assuming he actually works for them instead of it being some
other kind of arrangement, which will be explicated more in a bit....

As for the larger question...my deal with Marvel is basically I write what I
want, they don't change it.  They've been terrific in honoring that
understanding, so basically the book is whatever I want to make of it.

I put the Shade into that issue as a way of talking about the tendency of
society to not give a crap about homeless kids and runaways on the street, that
someone can be preying on them and nothing can be done.

So he wasn't forced at all, just the way I felt best got me into the story.

The vilains I've introduced so far were not really meant by me to become part
of the overall Spidey pantheon, which is why I got them off the board fairly
quickly.  They were there to let me explore certain parts of Peter without
overwhelming him.  I wanted to clear the air, give him something to work with
but that wouldn't get in the way of focusing on who he is...rather than, say,
villains who have a huge backstory that would lumber up the books at a time
when I was trying to clear away the underbrush.

Having done that, I'm now looking to bring in both some more interesting new
villains and some of the classic ones; just turned in a script today with Doc
Ock in fact (putting me now at about 4-5 issues ahead of schedule).

Having grounded Peter's character, I'm now looking forward to expanding some of
the rogue's gallery of characters, finding corners of their personality thus
far unexplored.  But I couldn't in good conscience do that until I'd refined
and brought Peter's/Spidey's character into the foreground.

Because at the end of the day, the book's called The Amazing Spider-Man, not
The Infamous Doc Ock.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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