[B5JMS] JMS: You can't help it, can you?

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Tue Nov 12 04:21:31 EST 2002

From: jbonetati at aol.com (Jan)
Date: 03 Nov 2002 03:04:54 GMT
Lines: 28


<<But if I were to describe what kind of ending it was, I'd say it was a
graceful ending, a dignified ending, an ending that said individuals can effect
profound change, if they are willing to put their own lives and happiness on
the line; not
happy, not sad, but a testament to the idea that you have used your time here

You just can't help it, can you?  Even just kicking back with friends (I hope)
here on the newsgroup, you can't help but write the most beautiful things!

I was reading through the Official B5 Magazines recently and took the
opportunity to read through your "Last Word" columns again.  I remembered how
much I enjoyed reading the column you wrote online for a while, too.

Would it be terribly impertinent of me to ask you to write the occasional
'column' here?  Anything you feel like saying in between pay copy about
anything at all?  Obviously the pay sucks but at least here you'd be able to
see what bar fights you start. ;-) Oh, and no deadlines - surely that's worth

Always wanting to read more JMS....
and thanks!

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 11 Nov 2002 06:46:48 GMT
Lines: 40

>I was reading through the Official B5 Magazines recently and took the
>opportunity to read through your "Last Word" columns again.  I remembered how
>much I enjoyed reading the column you wrote online for a while, too.
>Would it be terribly impertinent of me to ask you to write the occasional
>'column' here?  Anything you feel like saying in between pay copy about
>anything at all?  Obviously the pay sucks but at least here you'd be able to
>see what bar fights you start. ;-) Oh, and no deadlines - surely that's worth

It's a lovely idea, but the stark reality I have to contend with is that I'm so
thoroughly up to my ass in alligators that parsing out time for the newsgroup
in any way, just to reply to messages, is becoming increasinly difficult.  I'll
sometimes go days or even a week or so between messages.  (I have a brief break
tonight so I'm trying to catch up on a few items here.)

This is pretty much the busiest I've ever been in terms of multiple projects,
and I'm managing to keep my head above water, but anything else at this point
could be the proverbial last straw on the equally proverbial camel's back. 
Every minute not spent producing on Jeremiah is spent strapped to the keyboard.

(Speaking of handling so many multiple projects, the in-house magazine of the
Writers Guild of America just published a piece on me headlined "The Amazing
Super-Writer," which you think, "Oh, well now, that's pretty cool," and it is,
overall, very laudatory, covering it all, though of course the first line
describes me as a "four-eyed, follically challenged, overgrown gnome."

Just wish I could find some way to disagree with the characterization.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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