[B5JMS] Attention JMS

b5jms at lists.cs.columbia.edu b5jms at lists.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Apr 7 04:25:04 EDT 2003

From: Aisling Willow Grey <aisling at fjordstone.com>
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2003 01:41:15 GMT
Lines: 27

 >>Jan wrote:
> Aisling wrote:
> <<Ooof.  So, how much will I have to pay you to _not_ mention that little 
> fangirlish outburst if you see me chatting up Andreas at his table at 
> some future con?  I'm already deep in the hole with bribery money to 
> friends who've threatened to put it on a t-shirt and continually walk 
> past him while I'm there making small talk and desperately trying to 
> look cool.  Augh!>>
> Okay, ladies, no fair.  Share with the room, now.  It's just us-a few close,
> intimate friends.  You know *we'd* never embarras you....<<

Oh.  She's talking about my Photoshopped parody of the Swim Fan movie 
poster, Jan.  I know you've seen that one...right?  Sigh.  I know I'm 
going to regret this, but...


Of course I absolutely loathe posting the URL again, particularly since 
I am continuing to shrink and so now I think my face looks a bit chubby 
in it (that chubby arm in the foreground, however, belongs to the blonde 
teen actress in the _original_ poster, Erika Christensen!).  But, I live 
to serve. <g>


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 07 Apr 2003 00:25:23 GMT
Lines: 19

>Oh.  She's talking about my Photoshopped parody of the Swim Fan movie 
>poster, Jan.  I know you've seen that one...right?  Sigh.  I know I'm 
>going to regret this, but...

And another entry goes into the B5 scrapbook....


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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