[B5JMS] S2 boxset - commentary, etc.

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Apr 30 04:24:16 EDT 2003

From: Aisling Willow Grey <aisling at fjordstone.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 05:08:52 GMT
Lines: 40

I got my season 2 boxset today, and dipped into it just a little bit 
tonight.  I watched "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum" with the commentary 
track on.  It was _great_, although my favorite bit, which will no doubt 
become an alert noise on my system, is JMS talking over the credits. 
G'Kar's face appears, and JMS says...

"Andreas is God."

My viewing buddy and I looked at each other, dumbstruck, and then 
proceeded to go into gales of giggles.  "Well, I'm done," I said.  "I 
don't need to see any more!" <ggg>

But, of course we did watch the whole thing.  Couple of things:

JMS, thanks so much for the story about the pagans and G'Kar's 
declaration of principles.  It was really nice to hear pagans spoken of 
in such an ordinary and matter-of-fact fashion; generally, any kind of 
media attention given to us is on Halloween or upon the release of Harry 
Potter films, and is fairly dismissive and derogatory in nature.  And, 
you've given me an idea to suggest for future rituals with my own circle 
-- which, given my fairly single-tracked mind with regard to a certain 
Narn and the actor who portrays him, I can't _believe_ I've never 
thought of myself!  D'Oh!

We caught a funny inconsistency in Morden's personnel file.  Before the 
scene break for the commercial, the photo of Morden that Garibaldi and 
Sheridan are looking at is smiling, with teeth showing.  After the scene 
fades back in, the photo is of a smirking Morden, with his lips closed 
over his teeth.  A little thing, but I'm surprised I never noticed it on 
previous viewings.

If I've never said it before, thanks, Joe, for your completely awesome 
contribution to television, to science fiction, and to my life.

And...thanks, Joe, for the absolutely superb soundbyte.  You're just too 
good to me.  :-)


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 30 Apr 2003 03:48:02 GMT
Lines: 22

>JMS, thanks so much for the story about the pagans and G'Kar's 
>declaration of principles. 

My pleasure; I have no ax to grind on any of this, and one rarely hears of
pagans nowadays engaging in pogroms.

>If I've never said it before, thanks, Joe, for your completely awesome 
>contribution to television, to science fiction, and to my life.

My pleasure.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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