[B5JMS] attn. JMS: A TV writing question...

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Tue Jul 1 04:24:35 EDT 2003

From: The Nuclear Marine <Nuke-Marine at cox.net>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 04:56:56 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 71

[posted and mailed]

The Nuclear Marine <Nuke-Marine at cox.net> wrote in
news:20030630220054.ZIAD27992.fed1mtao05.cox.net at cx922182-d: 

OK, I know I'm answering my own post, so sue me.

> [posted and mailed]
> "Eliyahu Rooff" <lrooff at hotmail.com> wrote in
> news:vfu5ln428edcee at corp.supernews.com: 
>> What I said was "fifteen years, renewable once." That means income
>> for thirty years from what you write today. (This, BTW, is entirely
>> unlike the results of the writing that I do for my livelihood, for
>> which I'm paid hourly wages, and which is then filed with the court
>> and becomes public domain. Why shouldn't I receive royalties when an
>> appellate brief which I've drafted is cited in case law or in
>> pleadings?) 
> Ask me, patents need be protected longer and copyrights need be 
> shortened.  We'll say, oh, 40 years from time of publishing or
> patenting.       Don't know how that will work in concert with
> Trademark laws but at least The Guttenberg Project can add thousands
> of additional books to it's list.
> Nuke - getting in way over his head.

Ok, the patent law is silly at the moment.  People are now taking patents 
then applying to specific areas of public domain to make it chargeable 
(Bible online could be such a case).  Odd case I heard was a man who 
design a remote specifically for controlling a recorded football game 
then states this applies to any electronic sports game so he wants a 
quarter per.  

The idea of life of author is appealing, but instead make it life of 
author or 50 years, whichever comes later.  This allows relatives to 
benefit in event of early death after a great creation.  Sad that this 
gets into the nitpicky area of what length of time is appropriate.

As for the internet, let's face it, piracy and porn drive technology.  
Piracy encourages protection against it while porn encourages wider use 
of newer technology.  A necessary evil so I'd say don't accept Napster or 
Kazaa but develop technology that inhibits its use.  Corporations will 
not stop putting music out on CD's nor movies on DVD.  Only trick is 
force the trading back into the IRC's by making peer-to-peer trading 
unproductive.  For newsgroups, have the corporations sue providers that 
make no effort to block pirated postings.  The more inconvenient, the 
less it's used ie sheep syndrome.

But honestly, has a library ever had a negative effect on people buying 
books?  I've read CS Lewis, Stephen King, Jean Auel and others as a kid 
for free, yet I ended up buying the books later as an adult.  For music, 
has radio had a negative or positive impact?  HBO for movies?  I think 
idiotic MBA's cannot see past the wrong bottom line if the only benefit 
is to the creators.  Still, rules are rules.  


Listen to the Black Atheist Avenger: www.InfidelGuy.com

Atheist Radio on the Internet: www.AtheistNetwork.com

She's dead Jim, but still warm, I'll flip you for her.

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 06:43:44 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 24

>But honestly, has a library ever had a negative effect on people buying 
>books?  I've read CS Lewis, Stephen King, Jean Auel and others as a kid 
>for free, yet I ended up buying the books later as an adult. 

Unless you had a very different library association than mine, all the books in
the library were purchased by the library, and the writers received royalties.

>For music, 
>has radio had a negative or positive impact?  HBO for movies? 

HBO pays residuals; radio also pays for the rights to broadcast music.

Apples and oranges.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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