[B5JMS] jms at san diego comic con

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Sat Jul 26 04:25:35 EDT 2003

From: Wendy of NJ <voxwoman at hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 11:37:22 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 48

Jan wrote:
> Dan Dassow minorly ranted:
>>I fail to understand why anyone would want more than one
>>autograph from anyone or an autograph from someone they
>>have never met. For me, an autograph is a remembrance of
>>meeting someone you hold in high esteem. I cannot ever
>>conceive of buying an autographed item.
> Well, it depends.  In the case of the actors from B5, I want a memento of
> having seen/met them in person and I'll pay for an autograph or buy an item as
> a way of thanking them for the hours of entertainment they've brought me.  In
> my case, I have a collection of SiL CDs that I'm using as an 'autograph book'
> and I'll have them sign scripts that they were particularly good in.
> In the case of JMS, I've asked him to sign things that have meaning to me.  The
> card showing him turning out the lights of B5.  A caricature of him juggling
> shadows, computers, Kosh (and several other things) because that's what he was
> doing right then and it really was quite a trick.  And a few scripts (or I
> bought what he brought).  And while he signed, I'd have a little window to let
> him know that what he did was meaningful to this fan.
> I don't get autographs for the sake of reselling them or in hopes of them
> increasing in value.  Some people do and I imagine that the actors/writers are
> aware of that.

The value increases after the person is deceased. That's what a couple 
of booksellers told me at the last 'con I attended. When I do get 
autographs, I ask for them to be signed to me, so I suppose I'm reducing 
the value in some way (But to have a Jim Fitzpatrick print that says 
"Wendy, Best wishes, Jim" was priceless to me). For me, the sig reminds 
me of when I met them, which is the important thing. (another prized 
autograph was from astronaut Alan Bean - and it was wonderful to meet 
him and see the slide show of his paintings)

> Jan
> Check out my auctions of rare Dark Shadows and Babylon 5 scripts and
> memorabilia at  http://tinyurl.com/bhkk

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 23:23:33 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 19

>> I don't get autographs for the sake of reselling them or in hopes of them
>> increasing in value.  Some people do and I imagine that the actors/writers
>> aware of that.
>The value increases after the person is deceased. 

........I'm feeling much better now....


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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